I am trying to measure the resistances of the power tranny I took out of my 845 to use in psudII. When I try measuring the secondaries with high range the display flashes at me (fluke DVM) and won't give me a reading. The prinaries read 2 ohms
When I use the low range (also the continuity checker) I still get 2 ohms on the primaries and I get a continuity tone, but on the secondaries I get about 75 ohms but no continuity tone. I know this is a working tranny because it was in my 845 and working fine until I took it out just last night. What am I seeing here?
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Topic - Now I am really puzzled...... - Vinnie 14:52:10 04/11/07 (11)
- Thanks guys! - Vinnie 17:59:50 04/11/07 (0)
- Re: Now I am really puzzled...... - danlaudionut 16:25:45 04/11/07 (0)
- Re: Now I am really puzzled...... - Larry D. Moore 15:44:37 04/11/07 (8)
- beg pardon... - Vinnie 15:53:46 04/11/07 (7)
- Re: beg pardon... - Tom Bavis 18:08:34 04/11/07 (5)
- Thanks for the 'why'. - Poindexter 20:45:31 04/11/07 (4)
- why not the 27 for road work? - Russ57 06:03:44 04/12/07 (3)
- The 73 is a lot smaller, - Poindexter 08:54:52 04/12/07 (2)
- The newer ones...like 87-III are Much brighter(nt) - Russ57 09:37:46 04/12/07 (1)
- Re: The newer ones...like 87-III are Much brighter(nt) - bluelobster 17:30:41 04/12/07 (0)
- Re: beg pardon... - Mahatma Kane Jeeves 16:01:51 04/11/07 (0)