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Re: Can you really hear different caps behind a regulator? (nt)


Your conventional understanding applies to older textbook's and primarily static conditions - whereas some herein are looking at supplies differently, more so under real world, multi-faceted, dynamic terms.

Suggest you do a DIY Tubes Forum search with the following words,

1) Low DCR,

2) Low DCR, Low HY, Low C,

3) Flywheel effect and finally, very importantly,

4) pay particular attention to the supplies and listening experiences done by the five or so people who have executed them - and actually posted their executed supplies on Forum, ie : Nickel Core, C.Y, John Swenson, and ychungmd.

Mr. Henry Pasternack has shared some of his excellent simulations and thinking with his flywheel-named explaination, in the last two months.

This is a subject not fully worked out on-Forum quite yet, and not well accepted by Forum members and Flat Earthers, but early adaptors all obtained stunning listening results, but certainly not all the answers as to WHY it works as it does. Welcome to the cutting-edge of S.E. tube design, where growth is very slowly occuring.

Jeff Medwin

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  • Re: Can you really hear different caps behind a regulator? (nt) - drlowmu 13:00:40 12/07/06 (0)

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