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Possibly , Here is what I always have easily heard ........pre - regulator

Hi ya'all:

I do NOT know about hearing caps before the regulator!!

But I can say VERY assuredly, the ohmic value and quality of power transformers and inductors are READILY heard THROUGH and before any regulator, from my builds over the years !!

I built many a triode amp in the 1980s as L/C/L/C/ REGULATOR / Shunt R / REGULATOR / Audio Load - and IF the PTs and Ls that preceeded the regulator(s) didn't come in at 20 ohms ( or less ), the whole amp sounded like many others' mediocre POS, not worth hearing, boring, musically uninvolving.

BTW, if you must use S.S. zeners, ONLY use series stings of 5 or 6 VDC devices as they are quieter, as per VoltSecond - bless him !!

Jeff Medwin

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  • Possibly , Here is what I always have easily heard ........pre - regulator - drlowmu 15:52:31 12/02/06 (0)

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