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high transconductance octals/loctals?

I made an EF86 (triode connected) linestage for a friend - it initially had a White Cathode follower using a 6CG7. Well, he had a big stock of 6DJ8s and I eventually switched the WCF to use 'em. I really liked the sound over the 6CG7... the 6DJ8s had plenty of snap and a great big and suprisingly sweet sound.

my search for high-transconductance big-bulb tubes has turned up not much at all unless I go with the over-kill 6BX7 or 6BL7... I know high-trans tubes were from the 50s/60s - are there any loctal or octal versions that I'm missing that aren't such filament hogs?

thanks all,

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Topic - high transconductance octals/loctals? - kstagger 17:01:21 10/11/06 (10)

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