I got these puppys from audio classics for 350 for the pair and it included a pair of TS black plate 6550s..THe only reason I got these was the ACRO 330 transformer in the one..THey wanted 299 for the one but they had another model 212 that didnt match becuase it has magnetic windings transformers but I will tell you the MW output tranny sounded a bit more open than the acro and the specs on both power and output trannies are identical..I figured for the extra 50 bucks I wasnt going to pass it up even tho it has a tiny dent in the trans..I Mcshaned the one with panasonic filter caps and Lcr and his diodes and muse bias caps and that really brought it to life along with the k40 pios which i did to both..I am going to try the solen poly filter caps becuase there is plenty of room just for the LCR cap..The doubler caps I will leave the panasonic CEs in.
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Topic - Allen 60 watt amps..I Mcshaned the first one to compare. - MIchael Samra 20:32:36 08/13/06 (9)
- Re: Allen 60 watt amps..I Mcshaned the first one to compare. - transamz 07:17:10 08/14/06 (2)
- Re: Allen 60 watt amps..I Mcshaned the first one to compare. - Jim McShane 09:44:30 08/14/06 (1)
- Re: Allen 60 watt amps..I Mcshaned the first one to compare. - MIchael Samra 14:33:56 08/14/06 (0)
- I been interested in Allen amps, but never found a second amp - Jimmy 04:53:53 08/14/06 (0)
- Re: Allen 60 watt amps..Interesting senario on these amps. - MIchael Samra 00:36:55 08/14/06 (4)
- Re: Allen 60 watt amps..Interesting senario on these amps. - unclestu52 12:16:44 08/14/06 (3)
- Re: Allen 60 watt amps..Interesting senario on these amps. - MIchael Samra 20:46:37 08/14/06 (2)
- Re: Allen 60 watt amps..Interesting senario on these amps. - Eli Duttman 16:11:44 08/15/06 (0)
- Whew! - unclestu52 22:32:01 08/14/06 (0)