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It is only the bias supply...Pluz Mark.

It is only connected to the grid of my output tubes. How could that ever effect anything I hear? Besides it will cancel in the OPT anyway. And I am old and can't hear that high frequency switching. Are you saying you know more than the great audio engineers of the past?

Is there another dumb ass reason I am missing?:) I don't see it in the same way as the "low dcr/low henry" stuff. If folks can't see the rationale just engage in blind trust once in awhile. Generally folks here won't steer you wrong. But it helps to know who's advice to take.

I have found Poinz's advice to be a product of hard won battles on the breadboard front. Unlike some who feel inclined to answer every post I can't ever recall him commenting on something he didn't have first hand experience with. A wise man would take such knowledge and run to the bank laughing (but don't forget to say Thank You).


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