Hi Rod it was reccomended I contact you regarding ( me ) having absolutely zero luck logging into the AA chatroom . Once upon a time it worked just fine for me but that was a long time ago infact it was on a comp that was running win98 ! but now I have an xp based computer and no matter what I do I can NOT log in !!! I get a message that says erroneus nickname and not on channel
All this said I have tried other chatrooms to see if it's me but take justachat.com for instance which loads exactly the same way works just fine
the problem with justachat is nobody gives a ratzbutt about audio =(
one person suggested I needed to be logged in so I tried that didn't make any difference at all
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Topic - Hello Rod M...........HELP ! - 2 channel man 14:26:41 01/23/09 (2)
- RE: Hello Rod M...........HELP ! - 2 channel man 18:31:58 01/23/09 (0)
- RE: Hello Rod M...........HELP ! - Rod M 16:21:33 01/23/09 (0)