Home Asylum Feedback/Support

Audio Asylum feedback, support and feature wish list.


Heya Rod,

Well, if the tube/ss split did happen wouldn't speaker posts belong in the 'Speakers - General' area? That forum is filled with some incredibly knowledgable people who would have mothing but insight into most posts regarding any speaker. Oftentimes there are duplicate posts between the 'vintage area' and 'speaker - general' area.

Though, while I agree that the 'cross-fertilization' that takes place between the two camps is neat.... I also believe that it will still happen since all of us will still be under one roof. I honestly believe that the ss and tube mindsets and goals are different enough to merit seperate forums. As I stated... there is, after all, a Single Ended Triode forum.

Moderating a forum with such an ambiguous title as 'Vintage' will be tough.... that is the exact reason that I think a forum split would make great sense.

Maybe going with the ss/tube split and then creating a sort of free for all forum called 'Tubes Vs. Solid State' would be fun too. Sort of a playground for the type of debates that the people that who are against the split look forward to.

While I agree that it seems the vocal majority are slightly in favor of keeping it the way it is... I think many people have not/are not speaking up.... and that the original goal of the Vintage forum was a pre 1975 forum... as you yourself said. It seems like the Vintage forum started out as a resource for people who were looking for vintage tube audio repair advice and information... and then slowly was hijacked with dumpster and thrift store posts... and then the recent budget audio posts.

Just some ideas... I hope it helps. I really look forward to a resolution... because, as I have said, I truly enjoy this board and derive a great amount of knowledge and enjoyment from being a member. I just think that it could be streamlined a bit... and I am always willing to speak up or help out.

Thanks for the help and the time Rod, take care,

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  • Ideas... - Monkeypunch! 19:34:33 07/14/03 (0)

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