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Re: Rod... please.... for the love of God....

OOH. "I might become a member."

If you are lamenting what the forum is becoming, but are not a member now, why weren't you one when it was more to your liking back 'in the good ole' days'?

"The vintage forum is tedious enough with the likes of D0N and having to sift through myriad posts about Sony and Yamaha receivers." C'mon, now! You find scrolling and resisting the urge to click on threads that you have no interest in 'tedious'? Perhaps what you really need is a forum dedicated to the development of personal restraint and judgement, so you can better avoid the subjects you are not interested in...newspapers and magazines must drive you nuts with all that 'tedium' of sifting through for the interesting articles.

I'm not going to do this for you every two months, its just too time consuming, so below is what I found back in May when you made the same type of claim that the Vintage Audio forum was going to hell in a handbasket. Take a look and see if your claims of 80s remote controlled BPOC domination were any more accurate then than they are now...

Its fine with me if you and the other 'pure of faith' go and form your own self-absorbed, introspective fan club to congratulate one another about your discerning taste and comiserate about how the unwashed unconverted are blind to the truth and just don't understand - that's fine and dandy with me. Just don't advocate 'revising' or 'splitting' the current forum because you don't like the mix there now. I personally LIKE to have the opportunity to learn and grow from a mix of personalities and beliefs. Do you think that the participants of your 'Golden Age' forum would welcome a spirited, lengthy debate over the qualities of SS gear versus tube gear? Or, more likely, would it likely degrade immediately into an insult-fest, culminating with cries to 'get the SS infidel out of here'? The current Vintage forum is where the mix of people is such that debate would be welcomed and cherished.

If we split the SS and Tube folks off into their own forums, do we then need a dedicated sub-sub-forum to discuss and compare the relative merits of SS and tubes? Where does the marginalization and isolationism stop? Wasn't the concept of the internet and this type of forum supposed to be diametrically opposed to that happening? I guess the idealism phase is over... :-(

Given the popularity of the Vintage Forum, I'd have to say that its right on target for the majority of folks there, and I find its richness of topics fascinating and educational. In fact, so much so that I, *without conditions*, am a contributing member here.

I challenged everyone when I joined, and I challenge you and everyone else again - if you are here regularly, put some horsepower behind your support and become a paying member!






Posted by CUlater ( A ) on May 02, 2003 at 14:44:33
In Reply to: Link to a new forum request... posted by Monkeypunch! on May 01, 2003 at 18:40:48:

I just don't get it. Looks pretty vintage here right now, and there is a Tube Asylum for that pre-1951 stuff.
Reality Check: I Opened the Vintage Asylum in a second window - here's the threads I see in there right now (5/2/03, 4:38PM EDT):

- Vintage Mac / Marantz tube amp circuit question
- DUAL 1000 & 1200 Series Turntables. Info wanted; also what's a good sound edit program?
- Marantz 8B in triode mode?
- Lamps for vintage
- Sansui 9090
- Vintage Tube Mono "Receiver"
- Preamps
- ST-70 Minor Problem
- What's the longest thread ever here?
- A couple cases of severe 'sticker shock'
- So, when did McIntosh get it right with SS?
- Continually amazed
- Vintage Mac C22 price keeps going up!
- Link to a new forum request...
- Upgrading caps for Kenwood KA-907/KA-9100 integrated amps
- Philips AH 673
- vector research
- Pioneer sx727 speaker outputs
- possible nice score. while driving
- Suggestions for an amplifier
- Allander
- Sherwood ah! forgot the first rule of vintage
- whaddya expect for $3 ?
- FM and Antennas Poll
- The "Lights Up but Can't Test/No Speakers" Sherwood!
- what tube in my Mcintosh mx110 controls right channel
- Inmates in the Chattanooga area
- Color coded cap question
- Vintage Kenwood tuner questions
- Calling Dick in northern Illinois
- The under $250 challenge

... and so on. That's about the 2 and a half days of threads, for a total of 31 distinct subjects.

I see at least 8-9 of them discussing tube equipment.

I see one *possible* thread about 80s stuff (the Vector Research post, just don't know the exact year for that receiver)

I see 4-5 'budget' threads (the '$3' one is about 70s gear, the 'Sherwood, ah' one is about tube gear, the 'possible nice score' one is about tube gear, the '$250 challenge' one is circa 1973 equipment, and maybe 'Continually Amazed' could be considered a '70s budget' post)

The rest are 60s and 70s related threads.

No one is demanding that the tube threads (30%) leave and be banished to the tube forum or else. But the budget threads (15%) are just too irritating to deal with??? They're too hard to recognize and avoid? Come on, get real!!

What's more, I'd say that the budget threads, considering the number of responses, are pretty popular with the majority of folks that hang out here.

I'm sorry that you are in the minority here, but I don't see any persecution - no one is clamoring for those with a preference for tubes, or those with an older definition for 'vintage', to leave.

I hope you choose to stay, and just avoid the '...for the price of a Happy Meal' (BTW, I really liked that analogy!) threads - the discussion is richer with your participation!



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