Shady Lane


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This Audiogon member with lots of positive feedback sells counterfeit Siltech cables that are made in China, not in the Netherlands. You can tell because the serial numbers have 8 digits. Genuine Siltech cables have 7 digits in the serial numbers.

I have verified this with the Siltech factory. Attempts to contact Pete via phone and email are now going unanswered. I sold 2 of the 7 pairs I bought from Pete and, upon finding out the truth about the cables' origin, immediately offered full refunds to my buyers. One responded,

"Hi Jerry,
I am truly impressed with your ethics and honesty and greatly appreciate you letting me know this. There are not many people who would do this."

Peter Kranz is a fraud, a thief, and a liar. He is a con artist.

His contact information:

Peter Kranz
446 East Union Street
Rear Apt
Tamaqua PA 18252
Phone: 570-789-4060

He uses "awesome audio" as a cover.

I am a trusting person, but have been a little foggy since a concussion that I sustained while skiing at the beginning of March made me unconscious for about 6 hours. I bought over $6000 from this person to help him pay medical bills. Yeah, I’m a sucker. All the signs of a rip-off were there, but I simply didn’t connect the dots. My bad.

I have filed the appropriate complaints/disputes with Audiogon, PayPal, and my credit card company. I hope he does not make you his next victim!

Suggestion: If using PayPal, always mark the transaction "goods", NOT "personal" no matter how warm and fuzzy the seller makes you feel.


Edits: 04/09/13

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