Shady Lane

RE: International Woes--Who to Avoid on AG

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Yes it is common practice to underdeclare a bit. I don't have a problem with it if it's an exceptional occurrence and obviously that's it not organized fraud from business to business. If you declare full value, the customs will apply an exchange rate which is unrealistic (and not in your favour) and add mysterious taxes. As a result, in Europe, you would end up paying about 30% on anything you order from overseas.
So yes, that's a little white lie that doesn't hurt anybody. Kinda like copying an album on a tape in the 70s and giving it to a friend. It's tolerated as long as it's not the kind of abuse we see now of downloading anything for free.
The downside is that obviously, you can't insure more than the value you declare. That's a risk you're taking. You've been very unlucky with this customer, but rest assured not everybody's like him.`
I have no idea why Duilawyer went off the rails. Maybe he had a bad week.

Edits: 10/02/08   10/02/08

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