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I think there has been some misunderstanding but I suspect we have similar views about criminals……….

.........Yes, I think a swindler is a first rate scumbag criminal. He purposely and mindfully sets out to deliberately steal money from people. I believe anyone caught and convicted of doing this to multiple people should receive at least 5 years gaol.

The guy who got incinerated is a different beast. It is not clear if he was drunk or high on drugs or in fact was desperate not to be pulled-over because of other criminal matters. However, once he made the conscious decision to ram the Police car and then chase the Police car he deserves anything that happens.

I do take your point that the guy in the car may not have premeditated to break the law so is not as bad as the swindler in that regard. However, his actions that could easily lead to him killing the Police or other motorist need to be taken into account.

Rightly or wrongly, I have always viewed criminals as scumbags and I have always viewed the criminal who physically hurts people to be worse than the swindler. Having said that, here in Australia the common house burglar is not sentenced harshly enough by the courts.

Having been victim of a house burglar who was on bail for about 18 similar offences and who went on to rob another 5 places after mine before he was actually caught “in the act” is a sad indictment of our soft-handed court system. The crim stole about $100000 worth of goods over the 6 month spree and had off-loaded the goods at a fraction of their true worth. He got 12 months gaol and no restitution order was made. I would have given him 10 years.

I would give the death penalty to those where there is absolute proof that the accused is guilty. If a shadow of doubt exists then the guy gets life! None of this years & years on death row nonsense, 4 weeks after judgement the crim should be executed.

End of rant!



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