Home Shady Lane

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Re: Miscellaneous added as an afterthought to first post.

Hi Iain,

His Ebay moniker is stickychicken; he also likes to win an ebay auction then attempt to swap gear in lieu of payment. Nothing wrong with that of course, but he does it like payment of money is a last resort.

I went to his place to look at a pair of NS1000s a while back. I got confirmation before leaving "yes, they're 1000s, yes, beryllium mids & tweets", but when I got there they were NS100s.

I could recount other tales, but I'm quite sure you get the idea.

When I see his ads, I ignore them,

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  • Re: Miscellaneous added as an afterthought to first post. - Phil Jeffery 20:58:05 03/18/05 (0)

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