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Miscellaneous added as an afterthought to first post.

He was quite happy for a friend of mine to pick the Nakamichi deck up on my behalf as long as I told him their name and they had ID, but I just really wanted him to post it as we'd initially discussed a couple of weeks back - he's not exactly a scammer I don't think, I do have his home telephone number/s, he also was in the middle of moving as well - which IS hell, but he seemed to have time to find a duplicate of the Linn turntable he owns except a much later serial number as he boasted to me - the whole time me thinking "Did you buy that using MY money bastard?" grrr!

Another factor: he didn't REALLY want to sell the RX-505 I don't think - he has about 8-9 Nakamichi cassette decks and tried to persuade me to buy a BX-300 which was cheaper and a 1000ZXL which was more expensive, (both decks he'd priced around what one pays-ish) instead, but he said he had the RX-505 to sell initially - as the guy at the Trading Post said "He offered it, you bought it and have paid for it", tough luck for mentioning it if you didn't want to sell it I say.

Ultimately I think he's just a nutter audiophile who is/has been dragging his heels on an item he would LIKE to keep but doesn't really use, plus being rather busy - but it doesn't excuse the lack of courtesy in not keeping me informed of things generally.

I also think he was just being a CHEAPSKATE in not ringing interstate rather than deliberately not ringing - I've met far too many "You can call ME" people especially when it's mobile or STD calls. He usually has answered the mobile to be honest, and we've all missed calls from not hearing the phone, which he claims was the case early on when he'd asked me to call him back 'cos he was in a meeting (I'd rung ten minutes after depositing the $$$, on the day I said I would, and rang like I said I would, in the timeframe that I'd specified that I would be depositing the money, I'm a good Ebayer and have perfect feedback on both sides) - anyway he claimed he was in the middle of moving and didn't hear his phone.

All still NOT GOOD ENOUGH, as the Trading Post guy said, and I agree.

It's partly an attitude of "I have something rare YOU want, I have your money, I'll do it - when it suits ME" ie lazy and complacent powertripping, and partly being busy. As I say, had I been living in Sydney I'd have just gone to his place and picked it up, easy-peasy.

Must say though, also, when I asked him very first call what he wanted for it, he said "600-700" that changed to $750 including shipping two hours later on the second call - and I wasn't really in a position to bargain with this model - high-end Nakamichi decks are rare as hen's teeth here and we both knew it.

Sharp operator, pushes his luck to the limit, but ultimately WILL come to the party is my call right now. Being a Trading Post ad he knows that a Sydneysider could just hop in their car and be there with cash any old time so it's not a case of scamming PER SE. He also expressed concern about shipping in that he wasn't the original owner and was having to hunt around for a good box and good packaging, he did say on quite a few occasions that he really hoped that it arrived safely as it was in great condition and that he really wanted to ensure it stayed that way, there being not too many around.

IT'S BEEN A BLOODY H A S S L E so far and I am to blame after too many very successful expensive Ebay transactions from interstate and I let my natural caution be overridden by overconfidence from this and desire for the deck I guess...and it will PROBABLY all be OK.

Rambled on enough, just wanted to let people know that this guy has been thoroughly lax with possible extenuating circumstances, he's probably OK but on the shonkier sharp side of OK but seems to have the right stuff to sell (he told me about all his gear)...it's all left a bad taste in my mouth and thought other Australians should know to be careful with dealing with Milan Couga - if I'd escrowed I wouldn't give two hoots, but there you go. Lack of communication has been the REAL problem. Keep your fingers crossed for me eh?

Iain McGhee

Edits: 71/01/00 71/01/00

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