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The emails are fake kava ………..

As posted below, if you check the return path or URL of the “source” (the person who sent the email) you will invariably find they emanate from anywhere except from PayPal.

Never ever “click” on a “link” from any email claming to be from PayPal or any financial institution.

The only link PayPal give you is to their home page log-in “https://www.paypal.com/”
The “Fake” emails purporting to be from PayPal look something like this;
“https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_login-run” - never click on these!!

Cheers kava



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  • The emails are fake kava ……….. - three_sox 03:36:13 01/05/05 (0)

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