In Reply to: Audiogon posted by 2hipsi on March 11, 2008 at 22:10:12:
Here's my dispute with a seller there that I c/p and didn't make the forums. I still haven't received the frame or money and tried contacting A-gon 3 times about it, with no response. I even contacted service@audiogon to explain that I tried disputes@audiogon twice with no luck. They told me they would forward it to the right department and next time email disputes@audiogon.
I've since cancelled my account there and negative feedback cannot be left, I tried. It also didn't cost me $90, maybe that's why they didn't respond to my emails.
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Dispute Status
Requested by: Keano Response by: Sblinn
Request on: 12-11-07 Response on: 12-14-07
Transaction: sblinn extra wide rack
Complaint: Buyer reports problem with purchase
Status: Closed
Keano's Request
Keano's Description of the events:
10-16-2006. I paid in full for a rack that was supposed to be made in +/- 3 weeks.
01-11-2007. The wood shelves are finally shipping!
01-25-2007. I was told that the frame for the rack would be finished over the next several days.
02-10-2007. After his stalling tactics and lies(I have all emails), I ask for my money back.
02-22-2007. He states the frame is ready to ship!
03-01-2007. He states that the accessory box for my rack will be shipping and that the frame will be coming back to NY and he will redirect to me as soon as he gets it as the plater didn't want to ship to Canada.
06-28-07. He's looking to resolve this.
09-17-2007. He replies that I guess I didn't receive his email from last week. It said the rack will be to me in two or three weeks.
10-30-2007. More than a year later since I have paid him. He says that he was able to convince the plater to ship directly to me. They're working on the paper work and he'll be passing along the tracking #.
Keano's Requested resolution:
The shelves came accross at a value of almost $700. I'm asking for $1300 to be refunded to me for the frame. I think this is more than fair considering the time it has taken and that i've had to buy another temporary stand in the meantime.
That make the total $2K, with the other outstanding monies I paid for shipping(around $2300 total I paid). I should ask for that too.
Sblinn's Response
Sblinn's Description of the events:
Dear Sir or Madame,
I became aware, early on, that this was going to be a problematic transaction. From the beginning, every email from him indicated some sort of problem and usually included a threatening tone.
When the gentleman received his shelves and after some emails back and forth, he notified me that he was going to strip them down to refinish them (this, of course, being his perogative). He had also ordered optional matching wood decorative strips to go with his unit, which he had also received along with a package containing instructions for the rack assembly, spikes for his unit and various other small parts.
Upon (sadly) learning that he was intending to strip off the finish, that we had worked so hard on, I had, with the hope of doing the right thing for him and keeping him satisfied, even offered to re-make (free of charge) and send him brand new unfinished replacement decorative strips so that he would not have to spend, what I was sure was going to be, a huge amount of HIS time doing this kind of tedious work.
At this point I became very nervous about his possible perception of our work and started having pieces redone. He was becoming upset about extra time it was taking to get the aluminum plating perfect and had, in at least one email (that I can recall), used obscenities which unfortunately were seen by my young daughter, who was helping me sort through some email correspondence from Audiogon members. Needless to say, this did not sit well with me at all.
Even though I am very proud of our products and would put them up against the products of any one else in the industry, I found myself going over the aluminum portion of his rack countless times. I have had many of the pieces re-plated over and over again looking for 100% perfection. Because of his actions regarding the wood portions of the rack, I had become paranoid about the possibility of a negative reaction, from him, upon receiving the aluminum. I was attempting to be overly careful with my scrutiny of the look and finish of these pieces always taking into consideration his geographic location. Any perceived problems or possible requirement for replating would require dealing with heavy shipping expenses and customs to Canada.
There has never been any intention of not shipping the remainder of his rack. As I had informed him, I had recently tried to convince the plater to ship directly to Canada. He had agreed to do it, but he then changed his mind and has declined to do so, not wanting to get into the paperwork and customs proceedures that are required.
As you can see from our many excellent feedbacks on Audiogon, this is far from a normal situation with us.
Upon reaching this unfortunate point and with his desire to submit scathing negative feedback and even going so far as to initiate a dispute, I will officially stop driving myself crazy with this quest for perfection, for him, that I have found myself in. I have done the very best I am capable of doing and from my perspective the aluminum pieces ARE officially finished.
Steve Blinderman
Sblinn's Response to proposal:
There has never been any intention of not completing this order. To the contrary, properly completing orders is exactly what we have been striving to do from our first day in business. I think my downfall, in this particular case, was being obsessed with wanting to do it too well and my paranoia about this person and this transaction.
My resolution is to get the aluminum sent back to me from the plater and have all of the aluminum pieces and hardware shipped out within approximately one to two weeks.
Thank you for your consideration.
Steve Blinderman
P.S. I have just read and accepted your response agreement.
I don't know if it is important to this dispute or if he has actually started a legal action, but I received an email from him on 11/21/07.
I was about to copy and paste it, but am following your instructions just to summarize it.
In the email he stated that he had time off now, being a roofer. That he would, in the next couple of days, start a legal action and that I would be served within a week or so.
Thank you again.
Keano's final Rebuttal
Rubbish!! This is what i've been putting up with for the better part of 14 months, lies. Except for the last part about starting a small claims action and after 8 months I did threaten to call his local police department and post my on going saga with him in the audio forums. What else am I to do?? For this I am guilty...
Below I have c/p a few emails that I feel are important in this dispute. Such as, the time he estimated for completion, payment date, my reactions to the finish not being to my liking and the "free of charge" trim he offered to send me for $56.16. I have a lot more that I could add too. I have about 5-10 that I could c/p that states the he would ship the frame in one to two weeks as proposed in his resolution.
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 3:29 PM
Subject: RE: Audiogon listing: S B Designs Double Width Rack (with 3 thick
maple shelves)
> Hi James,
> Thank you for your interest in our Equipment Rack.
> The answers to your questions...
> The standard Maple shelves (as seen in the photos) are 1 1/2 inches thick.
> We can make them thicker if desired.
> The aluminum extrusions measure 1 1/2 inches square.
> With the spikes installed the the distances to the bottom shelf are (when
> the bottom shelf is at its lowest is adjustable up and down) 5
> inches to the bottom of the shelf and 6 1/2 inches to its top.
> Yes, shelves may be added, very easily, at any time.
> We can make any of the configurations you have mentioned.
> When we arrive at the final amount of shelves you would like and the
> dimensions, I can quickly work up a price for you.
> Production should take approximately 3 weeks +/-.
> We had pictures of some black units, but, for the life of us, can't locate
> them. I am sure you saw the photo of the 2 aluminum samples in the
> listing. We shipped a 5 shelf unit with black anodized aluminum and
> shelves last was outrageous looking. The silver units are, of
> course, beautiful too. Just a matter of personal taste and your decor.
> I hope I've answered all of your questions. If not, don't hesitate to
> back or you can always call me at (917) 361-4701. I hope we may be of
> service to you.
> Best regards,
> Steve
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: S B Designs Double Width Rack (with 3 thick maple shelves)
> Hi James,
> Just so I have it for my records, would you just reply to this email
> acknowledging that you have given me your Visa credit card number ending
> in....1018, and that I may use it for payment of the equipment rack that
> have designed for you.
> Thank you again,
> Steve
> > >From: "James Hibbert"
> > >Subject: Re: S B Designs Double Width Rack (with 3 thick maple shelves)
> > >Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 08:24:46 -0500
> > >
> > >Steve,
> > >I received the shelves last week and just opened one up. Are they the
> > >finish? It looks like a walnut(brown) to me. You told me in an email
> > >that you know the Dali Helicon and went to the website and said that
> > >mahogany matches beautifully with the rosenut finish.
> > >
> > >I figure that these shelves are walnut as there's no hint of red in it.
> > >think they made a mistake with the finish as you told me that they'll
> > >up and they definately don't. The shelves look great and sturdy but
> > >brown. I take it the wood trim wood also be this colour.
> > >
> > >James
> > > > >From: "James Hibbert"
> > > > >Subject: Re: S B Designs Double Width Rack (with 3 thick maple
> > > > >Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 13:03:38 -0500
> > > > >
> > > > >Steve,
> > > > >I wasn't sure of the stain that's why I thought maybe they made a
> > >mistake.
> > > > >I'll see what it looks like when all set up, then i'll make a
> > >one
> > > > >way or the other. I do have a lot of spare time right now and the
> > >shelves
> > > > >would seem easy enough to do. The trim will be more difficult but
> > >doable.
> > > > >If
> > > > >I decide to refinish the shelves and trim, I will let you know as
> > >can
> > > > >tell me the proper way and the best materials that'll need. Will
> > >frame
> > > > >structure ship this week? Thanks,
> > > > >
> > > > >James
>From: "James Hibbert"
>Subject: Re: S B Designs Double Width Rack (with 3 thick maple shelves)
>Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 14:02:49 -0500
>That would make it much easier if you ship the trim uninstalled. That's
>I was worried about too. I do have lots of time now and I can do one shelf
>at a time so I could still use the rack for my tv in the meantime. The
>Superbowl is coming and i'd rather watch it on my 60" in hdtv rather than
>32" tube tv.
>If I screw up on the trim as this is where i'll probably start, it's good
>know you can supply me with more. I'm pretty handy as I work in
>so I don't think i'll have too many problems. I'll just need to know the
>best way to do things and the best products to use. Stuff like the type of
>sandpaper, should I use a sander or do it by hand? What are the best stains
>to use etc, etc? Thanks,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: S B Designs Double Width Rack (with 3 thick maple shelves)
> Hi James,
> I was thinking especially about the wood trim.
> I normally drop ship the aluminum to my customer directly from the plater
> once the anodizing is complete. In your case since we have the wood trim,
> the aluminum must come back to me so I can install the trim.
> As I said, I have the trim here and would have to ship it to you, and not
> install it, if you decided to restain. The installation is very easy if
> you're at all handy. All the trim pieces are cut to the correct sizes. You
> would only have to purchase some good construction adhesive in a hardware
> store to install. I would explain the way we do it.
> As an alternative, I was thinking that since changing the wood strips
> would be far more time consuming and more intricate, because you are
> with strips that are only 5/16 of an inch wide and 1/2 inch deep, you
> want to purchase (at my prefinish production cost of $56.16) cut to size,
> sanded and unstained strips ready for you to finish and install.
> Just a thought.
> Let me know how you decide to go.
> Steve
Audiogon's Resolution:
After careful consideration, Audiogon finds in favor of Compromise. If the buyer is still willing to accept the item in question, Sblinn may continue shipping as planned and close the deal. However, if the buyer is no longer interested in pursuing the issue, the seller should refund a portion of the purchase price equal to the cost of the materials not received by Keano but not exceeding the cost incurred by the seller. We do not believe any foul play is afoot, certainly not that any deliberate stalling was implemented. Simply a misunderstanding and a dedicated manufacturer. If this matter has already been escalated to a legal or civil matter as indicated above, please defer to the judicial ruling(s).
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Follow Ups
- RE: Audiogon - keano 10:49:00 03/13/08 (0)