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Audioweb has always been loaded with scamming...

even before the "international" cartel moved into the business. I had found and forwarded several different scams and forwarded them to Audioweb. Audioweb did nothing about it. I called the manufacturers of the gear up. After talking to them, i saw that the ads were pulled down pronto. I don't know if they contacted Audioweb and / or those posting the ads, all i know is that Audioweb on its own was irresponsive. Sean

Edits: 07/07/20 07/07/20 07/07/20 07/07/20 07/07/20 07/07/20 07/07/20

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  • Audioweb has always been loaded with scamming... - Sean 11:38:06 10/15/04 (0)

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