Well, I've bought records for years online and never really had the problems that some Inmates encounter. Knock wood.That said, I was just checking my own ebay account, something I do once a year whether I need to or not, and noticed that not all the feedback was positive. One neutral. Hmmmm. I always do paypal immediately, usually leave good feedback if the item I bought arrives sometime in the next month. What gives?
A couple months ago I bought an LP and paid up the day the auction ended. So far, so good. Item was listed in the title line as "MINT." The text description said mint at least twice. I quick-checked the seller's stats before bidding, a couple thousand transactions and a high-nineties positive percentage. The accompanying photo was indeed the record but as usual I couldn't tell anything from that damn thing. What the heck, it's sitting with zero bids. I auctionsnipe the thing and get it for cheap.
The shipping package indicated the record wasn't shipped for two weeks after I'd sent payment (again, I used paypal immediately). Inside, one LP, the title I ordered but this record was straddling the fence around VG- and very likely could have fallen off into the G pasture. Ray Charles could've graded it more accurately and by the fingerprints it looked like he had!
I sent an email message asking if perhaps I'd received the wrong one. After all, the auction said "mint" a number of times. Mint leaves no room for interpretation. No reply.
So I left a brief "neutral" feedback, saying that the auction page said mint and nothing but and that the record wasn't even close to this grade. Moreover, it took a month of Sundays to ship.I know, I know. Cut to the chase. So the clown leaves me a feedback saying that I'm a new ebay user and ought to "learn the rules."
I clicked on the clown's ebay page and sure enough, he's left thousands of positive feedbacks and they all say the same thing: "A++++++++++"
So I figure I'm dealin' with the Fonz or something. I locate nearly a hundred (!) dingbat neutral or negative feedbacks and they're all the same theme. Buyer's obviously never seen a record before and ought to read the "rules" before sending money. Wow. What a fuckin' goof.
He's got a link to another website on his seller page so I click on that. His name, one of them, anyway, is Adam Rosen. But Adam Rosen is, of course, a DJ. Sure he is. And he has a DJ name: Shuga Rose.
Rich, huh?
The moral? Thousands of feedbacks with a high-nineties positive percentage don't mean shit. Ya hafta look at what they sell, despite the moniker. Heck, I figured a couple thousand transactions and a name with "records" in it would be fine. I was wrong. Duh.
I just loaded his "items for sale." J.Crew coat. Ladies pumps, size 7.5. My favorite? A bottle of designer perfume and it looks to be, well, not exactly full.
My god. What was I thinking.
So he gives retaliatory feedback, even in response to a well-grounded, sane, neutral feedback. Even after I sent him an email with a polite, "maybe there was a mistake."
I know this "Shady" page is for just this kind of thing but it seems like an enterprising Vinyl Inmate ought to build a single page that we could use as a Goof Central resource. I'd chip in a couple bucks.
Ooh! I got it! We could name it The Ray Charles Memorial Record Sellers Shitlist. Doesn't make much of an acronym, I know, but I really like Ray and I really don't like cheater record sellers. I think Ray would've agreed with me and I know he had a sense of humor.
One last thing. If you click this clown Adam's ebay page, you can click through to his private website, where you learn more about him. You HAVE to check out his "computer art." Or whatever he calls it. Whew. Imagine Pat Travers' attitude and brain with a hint of those Yes album covers. Brutal. Poor bastard's probably married to a giant gaming PC without a cover and living with his grandmother.
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Topic - goof ebay seller: SHUGARECORDS - slowburn 23:35:08 01/19/05 (2)
- Look for the consistent negative rate - John N 20:00:05 02/07/05 (0)
- Re: goof ebay seller: SHUGARECORDS - eso 15:31:26 01/21/05 (0)