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Re: They tried it with me on an eBay purchase too.

I had recently put up my laptop computer on ebay for $725 buy it now price, when I got an email from a man saying he was from Nigera, and needed me to send him the laptop immediatly (the next day) for his sons christmas present, so it was urgent. Me and my rose colored glasses didn't see the scam at first. He said he was going to send me confirmation through bidpay for the amount of $4000. I looked into it and found out that you can only send an excess of $1000 through bidpay at a time, and in some cases $2000. I emailed him that information, and low and behold, apparently ignoring my e-mail I got a confirmation from "bidpay" stating that i had a money order on hold for $4000. Knowing that this couldnt be possible, I contacted bidpay (just to be sure) and they forwarded me to their consumer fraud website, because the email was undoubtedly fake. Since then I have recieved 2 more offers from Africa now for the same item, same situation. I just respond telling them that if they want the laptop, they can use the buy it now feature, or bid. They convienently become unregistered users within an hour. Go figure...

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  • Re: They tried it with me on an eBay purchase too. - Sara1785 10:22:10 12/20/05 (0)

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