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Re: Upgrade to Audio Note System

I recently upgrade from an Oto Line to an M3 line and Quests Silver sigs. Source is an AN CD3.1x . Interconnects are all ANVx.
I have to say that the biggest impresion from this change was just how good the Oto is. I have had the M3 Quests combo for about 4 months now. I had the Oto for about a year and a half.
Sometimes I find myself missing the Oto (and yes I still have it)
My suggestion would be to stick with the Oto. I have found that in mine the RCA EL84 sounds the best. Some mods can really help the Oto and Im sure many out there would be glad to help on that front. Mine has the AN cap upgrade, Internal source wiring change and numerous resistor upgrades.

That little Oto has to be one of the best buys in Audio.

By the way I no way mean to imply the M3/QSS isnt a fantastic combination. I have been trying different tubes and am getting there :) Now to the Source!

Have Fun
"Dont call me Otto"

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