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Re: I second the AN-V

Not at all but I've never heard that particular criticism of Vx. I should ask compared to what? Cardas perhaps? There is no absolute thinness or thickness, but Vx is thicker than V, thicker than JMR's cable, thicker than Audience Au 24. Thinner (or rather more open sounding and radiant) than Lexus and definitely thinner than any and every cable George Cardas ever dreamed of making, etc. Within the context of Audio Note cable, it is about normal in thickness to my ears, which is why I find the V a bit thin.

And to keep this relativity thing going, I wonder how many people find Audio Note speakers full and rounded? Not compared with Spendors or Harbeths or Reynauds certainly. But probably compared with Thiels, B&W Nautilae, Triangles, and maybe even Merlins.

Silly game, eh?

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  • Re: I second the AN-V - Bob Neill 14:26:39 10/26/06 (1)

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