In Reply to: Re: dinosaurs were big, lumbering, brutes, yet now scientists say dinosaurs were large, swift, intelligent hunters! posted by thetubeguy1954 on May 26, 2006 at 13:31:02:
"No matter how you define it, my biases, expectations and preferences are mine. One would have to be pretty weak-minded to allow my preference for a wide, deep soundstage to change their preference for extended frequency extremes or my bias for tubes to change their bias for solid state etc."Ever try building speakers??? I do as part of the hobby so I have my RTA and Clio set-up for ruff and precise measurement. It's obvious I lean towards an objectivist point of view. That said I am not going to deny you the right to your beliefs. I look at bias as a real issue when you DIY. Trying to set driver levels in an active set-up or trying to get the attenuation and slopes right in a passive network are damn near impossible to do without some kind of reference. You could use another speaker but the quick and finite way is to do measurements. There have been many times that I thought the balance was off for the wrong reasons based on what I heard and couldn't have resolved it without my trusty tools. If I had to depended only on my senses I would still be chasing my tail going in the wrong direction. I don't look at these examples as being week minded or deaf cause I can't hear what's going on. I look at it like I am human and expect to make mistakes especially when doing something that really is subjective in nature and tied to my senses. Any comparisons you make are filtered. We hear with our brains not with our ears. I certainly don't feel confident enough in myself to know I will always make the right choice based on what my ears tell me.
"Robert I don't have the training in mathematics, or electrical/electronic degrees many others here do, but I'm smart enough to know that neither side has proved their position beyond a shadow of a doubt. As I stated in my previous post, I've attempted to find a middle ground, but Objectivists won't allow that. Although never in outright words, Objectivists imply through their posts that Subjectivists (and hence me) are a weak-minded group of audiophiles who are easily influenced into believing what others say and can be easily led, like a bull with a ring in his nose, by the musical biases, expectations and preferences others around them. I personally find that quite insulting...."
I don't either. I think a big part of why these discussion go the way they go is they do attack your fundamental beliefs and that makes them become personal in nature. There have been some pretty awful posts from both sides on this. The funny thing is if we were in a bar or a livingroom our basic manners would not allow it to get this ugly. Our parents raised us better than this. We should all remember that.
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Follow Ups
- We are poles apart on some of this - Robert Hamel 16:56:17 05/26/06 (0)