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Re: Massive bass resonance blob in my bedroom studio - HELP!

fUnewgy here (f***ing new guy), sounds like your loading the room. i.e., I play a room that has a 10'(approx.) high ceiling here in baltimore. This room was such a pain in the ass because of all of the low end mud in the system, when the system was tight and clean in another room the night before. I found that in differant heigth rooms that it is possible to load the room like you would load a speaker cabs tuning freq.

This 10' high venue, my system would load the room at 78Hz. I simply cut that freq with a para eq and a narrow Q. The system sounds tight and full in that room now.


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  • Re: Massive bass resonance blob in my bedroom studio - HELP! - faderjockey 19:10:01 07/22/06 (0)

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