In Reply to: RE: KSS 100/100 OTL schematic posted by stellavox on November 4, 2008 at 04:14:04:
Hello Charles,
I'll explain the power supplies now. First the heaters, the output tubes are all in series for approx. 114VAC and therefore connected directly to line voltage (the wall). The input/driver tubes all in series are run on approx. 48VDC from a regulated supply. The B+(+365VDC) for the input/driver stage is from a regulated supply. The B-(approx. -365VDC) is just from a rectified and filtered supply. The output stage voltages are from a line isolation transformer (toroid), the primary is in parallel (120VAC) and the secondary in in series (approx. 240VAC CT), bridge rectified and filtered with 7500UF/200V capacitors. All of the these voltages were taken very quickly as the amp was hosing tubes as I was trying to figure out how to troubleshoot this thing.
Shoot me an email for more info and I'll answer if I can.
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Follow Ups
- RE: KSS 100/100 OTL schematic - llwhtt 16:50:30 11/04/08 (2)
- RE: KSS 100/100 OTL schematic - stellavox 04:44:05 11/05/08 (1)
- RE: KSS 100/100 OTL schematic - llwhtt 07:54:42 11/05/08 (0)