If one were to build a single ended OTL linestage for a DAC (just a common cathode sans cathode follower) would it have the "magic" midrange of SET with the clarity of OTL? It is very possible to build an SET preamp without the transformer.
The reason I ask is a need to build a linestage and like the sound of SET but don't want invest in a rare line stage OPT plus the extra gain stage. Not really a fan of the cathode follower "sound." With a low ri tube there shouldn't be a need for a CF in a line stage.
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Topic - OTL vs SET perspective - Samford 11:09:45 07/19/08 (2)
- RE: OTL vs SET perspective - billanichols 19:08:52 07/23/08 (0)
- RE: OTL vs SET perspective - Lew 12:57:32 07/19/08 (0)