I haven't kept up and I want to re rip some CDs but I want the best possible software for this.
Any suggestions? I have a MAC and prefer WAV but would like high quality FLAC files for space savings.
Thanks for any ideas.
iBasso DX300MAX Ti. Focal Utopia and Stellia. iBasso SR2. Mr. Speakers, Ether II, Voce stats. Manley, Absolute headphone amp. LTA MZ3, Z10e electrostatic amp. Many other headphones, amps, cables etc.
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Topic - Currently, what is the best ripping software for CD? - John PA 13:02:33 09/19/24 (8)
- Thank you for the suggestions! - John PA 13:44:19 10/05/24 (0)
- Ditto vote for dbPoweramp - E-Stat 12:23:10 09/20/24 (2)
- Honda S2000? (NT) - sleeper 18:37:44 09/21/24 (1)
- Yep! -nt - E-Stat 06:07:01 09/22/24 (0)
- Being somewhat lazy and tending to be frugal, - Tom 08:07:22 09/20/24 (1)
- A perfectly good solution..... - AbeCollins 12:59:59 09/26/24 (0)
- RE: Currently, what is the best ripping software for CD? - AbeCollins 07:29:21 09/20/24 (0)
- RE: Currently, what is the best ripping software for CD? - tlea 14:14:24 09/19/24 (0)