In Reply to: Re: SCD-1 modified? posted by lenw on August 14, 2006 at 13:56:08:
My SCD777ES also had the Kern transport mod and the SC2, plus some super-regulators on the Audio Board. This gave a noticeable and welcome improvement vs stock but was not Nirvana by any means. Then about 2 years ago I made a lot of additional upgrades based on the posts of J Hietebrink, fmak, and others on this forum. This included changing the I/V converter chip and other chips downstream in the audio signal path, subbing Vishay resistors in key places, upgrading and bypassing filter caps, re-doing the ground scheme, changing the wiring from stranded copper to solid core silver, changing the RCA jacks, etc, etc. All of that work made an astounding improvement: sound stage just exploded in size, depth, and width, midrange and bass were much more transparent, cleaner, deeper. Highs are purer. I really did not believe that digital could ever sound as good as it did. Now these new generation players, e.g., the Cary and the Ayre and others, not to mention the ever improving aftermarket mods, have really got me thinking in a positive way. This is just like vinyl; just when the availability of the software is on the decline (re SACD) we have a renaissance in the capabilities of the hardware, albeit Redbood CD will remain with us as a constant for the foreseeable future. Right now I am getting ready to install an SC3 with battery power supply and thinking about a transformer-coupled output. (I keep thinking I have too much money, time, thought, and effort tied up in the 777 to dump it in favor of a new unit.)
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Follow Ups
- Interesting... - Lew 10:03:02 08/15/06 (2)
- Re: Interesting... - lenw 14:40:24 08/15/06 (1)
- I was thinking along those same lines... - Lew 13:53:15 08/16/06 (0)