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You raise a real issue..

Audiophile magazines typically are no help in assisting the reader to get an idea how a particular new product stacks up against earlier models that were highly rated. For example, the latest issue of TAS reviews several top quality CD and/or SACD/HDCD players (Cary CAD306SACD and MBL, to name only two), without any mention of how the products compare to each other or to products they've raved about in recent previous issues. Those guys are in the best position to do a "shoot-out", but I think they are reluctant to state openly a preference for any one product over another, unless it's a no-brainer or there is a huge price differential. Just for example, it would be very informative to compare the Cary, Ayre C5Xe, Krell Standard, the new Purcell all-in-one cdp, and whatever else you can think of, to one another.

I do think there have been some real advances made in the performance of cdp's in the last two or three years, giant strides based on what little I've heard. A lot of the improvement seems to have resulted from better design and implementation of analog output stages, oddly enough.

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  • You raise a real issue.. - Lew 10:32:04 08/10/06 (0)

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