Headphone Heights

RE: Ultrasone Edition 8

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If you like the way Audeze headphones look, what about the LDC-2 ($1000) with a fuller, darker, but way more listenable sound than the Ultrasones?

Hifiman HE-500 is another planar design that is highly praised and might be another one that you would like. Not as dark-sounding as the Ultrasones, and under $1000, too...

If you have a head that is smaller than average, you might think about the Beyerdynamic T90 or maybe even the (much less expensive) Phiaton Moderna. To me, they have a smaller and more streamlined look than some others do.

And remember - any headphone with large, oval-shaped earcups might look a bit sleeker upon the head than the round-earcup competition. This is because the oval shaped earcups more closely correspond to the oval shape of the "typical" human head. Charlie Brown heads need not apply here...

As far as microphonics go, I believe that most headphones have cables that are microphonic to some degree. Search around for the reviews and you'll find out easily enough....

Edits: 03/14/14   03/14/14   03/14/14   03/14/14   03/14/14   03/14/14   03/14/14   03/14/14

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