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In Reply to: RE: Can you rip DVD-A tracks as WAVS or FLACS? posted by Spendor Harbeth on October 26, 2009 at 21:39:23
A few things.
1) I have a pretty complete how-to on this over on my HiRez Circle at Audio Circle. Feel free to check it out. I've ripped (as have many others) dozens of DVD_A's to their native (24/88.2, 24/96 or 24/192) resolutions for playback via a DAC. But yes, it involves using DVDAexplorer (fopr true DVD_Audio discs) and DVDAudio Extractor (for DVD-Video discs that contain hirez material).
http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=69151.new;topicseen#new(NOTE: Audio Circle seems to be down since early Sun morning, and although moderator of one of the subforums, the HiRez forum, I still know nothing more than this regarding the outage)
2) The Squeezebox you refer to will only play natively 24/48 max; everything else playable but is downconverted by SOX (assuming you have latest SqueezeBox Server loaded). The 24/96 capable Squeeze players are Touch and Transporter.
3) The Oppos will, in fact, circumvent DVD-A's old hurdles and output MLP (packed PCM) via the digital outs. They are 16 bit and max 16/192 (assuming you set LPCM for 192 in the set up menu).
Edits: 11/16/09Follow Ups: