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Re: DUT Return Policy

>While his intentions certainly seem noble and beyond reproach one
>must wonder how it is that on the one hand [Michael Fremer] has the
>proprietorship to dispose of the cables while on the other hand he
>openly declares that they are not his property?

It is generally difficult to get cable manufacturers to take their
products back, because once they are returned, they no longer get
listed in the reviewer's reference system. The benefit of being so
listed is a powerful incentive for companies to send reviewers cables
whether they are for review or not. That doesn't mean they become the
reviewer's property.

Michael mentioned the possibility of auctioning off loaner cables
that the manufacturers don't want returned to benefit a charity. If
they _are_ auctioned off for charity, as has happened at the auctions
organized by the now defunct Academy for High-End Audio at past
Stereophile Shows, it would be with the permission of the
manufacturers concerned. If Michael sells review samples of cables
for personal gain, then I would, of course, immediately terminate
his relationship with the magazine.

It certainly seems to me that despite your protestations, "bjh," you
are working very hard to tar Stereophile with the same brush as the
purportedly unethical behavior of the reviewer mentioned in earlier
postings. Perhaps you have too much time on your hands?

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

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