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Curiosity Killed The Cat...

Wanting to get an idea of what goodies MF has stashed away I consulted the Stereophile Master Article Index. I believe this index covers up until around 2004 yet all I find for Fremer is:

Hovland DIN-to-RCA phono cable (Fremer) XXI-2
Hovland Music Groove 2 phono interconnect (Fremer) XXIII-5, XXIV-2
Wireworld Equinox III+ interconnect (Fremer) XXIII-10
Wireworld Equinox III+ loudspeaker cable (Fremer) XXIII-10
Analysis Plus Oval 9 loudspeaker cable (Fremer) XXIV-1
Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 interconnect (Fremer) XXVI-4, XXVI-4
Coincident Technology CST IC phono interconnect (Fremer) XXIV-2
Harmonic Technology Magic Woofer loudspeaker cable (Fremer) XXIV-1, XXVI-4
Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway II interconnect (Fremer) XXIV-1, XXVI-4
Kimber TAK tonearm cables (Fremer) XXIII-5
Precision Interface Technology DIN-to-RCA phono cable (Fremer) XXI-2
Silver Audio Silver Breeze tonearm cable (Fremer) XXIII-5

Moreover from the tone that permeates the preamble of his TARA Labs The Zero interconnect review I get the distinct sense that he hasn't been reviewing too many cable products of late, in fact one gets the distinct impression that cable reviews haven't exactly been first and foremost in his mind, e.g. in reference to a surprise visit from Tara Labs' Matthew Bond two years ago (some time in 2004 presumably) he says, "A surprise visit by a cable manufacturer is about as welcome to me as a case of head lice. Even a scheduled visit makes me itch". This is representative of the tone throughout the preamble, something I interpreted roughly as.... when one already has top class cables the slightly different flavors to be obtained from swapping for other top class cables isn't something to get terribly excited over.

Anyway, glancing at that list above, even if each and every one of the manufacturers represented refused return of the review samples it still hardly seems like "... enough cables to build a suspension bridge.", does it?

Now we know very well that once a product is accepted for review at Stereophile there is very little that would prevent the appearance of a published review, this has been made perfectly clear in the well articulated review policy.

Hence this begs the question, how exactly has MF come into possession of enough cables to build a suspension bridge (from manufacturers who don't want them back no less)?

Is this common in the industry, are the cable manufacturers showering cables down onto the top reviewers, throwing them about with not a care about having them returned?

If this were the case, and if Stereophile reviewers were subject to such showers, welcome or otherwise, then one would have to wonder if that publication were treating this product category unlike all others!

In any event such a state of affairs could certainly lead to problems it seem to me. Suppose I'm a top reviewer, a cable lands in my lap, maybe I write a review, maybe not, but later assuming that the manufacturer has no interest in getting it back, I throw it in the direction of a good buddy!

Now this fellow, unbeknownst to me, goes and sells the cable on AudiogoN, and worst because of goodness knows what, bad blood, the opportunism of competitors, manufacturers with an axe to grind, whatever... the sale gets blown into a charge of industry corruption and goodness knows what eles!

I can see something like that happening!

I can also see a solution... standards and policy!


Perhaps Stereophile, being an organization that aspires to the highest standards, can take the opportunity to lead the charge here, insist that cable products be treated exactly like any other category, etc.

Perhaps JA can start by checking to see if MF has purchased those TARA Labs The Zero interconnects, and if not then suggest he send them back, at least after some reasonable period (the review already having being published in Dec. 2006).

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  • Curiosity Killed The Cat... - bjh 20:41:30 02/20/07 (0)

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