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Planars and ribbons are child's play when compared to the 3D holographs thrown by a pair of Nearfield Pipedreams!

I have been a planar guy for most of my life, but the images created by a system I heard with the big Nearfield 64's was insane.
Not only were width, depth, and height frighteningly realistic, but the image perspective "followed you" as you change seating position.

Needless to say, the entire listening experience was by the far the most memorable I have ever experienced, and I have heard some pretty damned nice systems in the past 25 years!

Of course, the system set-up is crucial and I have since heard really really crappy systems with these speakers or the next smaller ones.

Me, I'm just a lawnmower, you can tell me by the way I walk....


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  • Planars and ribbons are child's play when compared to the 3D holographs thrown by a pair of Nearfield Pipedreams! - Ray-o-Stat 17:39:31 04/21/07 (0)

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