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Re: Though the point that may be implicit...

Yep, you are dead on here.

One of the reasons I dig this set up is that the imaging is more realistic than a normal setup.

When you go to the symphony, it is one big bowl of sound. All the ingredients are there in that bowl.

In a normal setup, it is if there are a lot of seperate bowls of soup on little silver platters, with each of the bowls having a different performer.

In a sideways setup, it is one big bowl of soup, and to me that sounds more like live music.

It is not the "hifi" sound that some people like, but IMHO it is more real.

It is a preference to be sure.

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  Kimber Kable  

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  • Re: Though the point that may be implicit... - Dawnrazor 22:38:01 04/17/07 (0)

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