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Hi all,
It has been awhile since I've asked questions about Binding Post as used on one amp | speakers, as I'm aware the usual options general leans towards brands like WBTNextGen | ETI Research | Cardas Audio CCBP S ( CU ) as I've transferred this one onto plenty of amps | speakers in the past..., it truthfully has earned very high praise from me.
But as I was just looking at the rather plain jane gold plated binding post on my Pathos Acoustic Classic Model One MK ll | felt one would think a company that had been around for this many years, would've researched said options | just maybe chosen something which was actually pure tellurium copper based at their prices, I can't say..., but said binding post on it, as well as the encased plastic outer jacket ones on their MK lll version of the same amp just don't convince me they're anything other then some Chinese brass based designs.
So as an effort of trying or wanted to replace the four of them, I spend last night just sampling photos of different makes like the WBT cloned type CMC | ETI Research along with a few other suspects..., yet as luck would've it even the most current ETI BP-20C Binding Post do make for a lasting impression appearance | build wise that is, now onto pricing a set of 4.
I haven't looked at the actual pricing of this one, yet by days end | yet once again to ask if any of you've looked into the Aeco range as mentioned in the header?, as they look familiar, but in my eyes extremely well made | seem to be worthy of further investigation on my part | they read like this: The conductor is made from high- purity copper (Tellurium Copper) with gold plating (10u"). Which is of course Greek to me.
Put I've come to understand the overall importance of said post going back as far as 1993, when I replaced the ones on an Oxix Audio OA-21S | later Densen DM-10 in 1995 with a quad of Edison Price Music Post ( Pure Copper ) | latter in 2010 started using said Cardas Audio CCBP S ( short versions ) anywhere allowed ( of which my wife Michelle knows I hate that word, allow that is, because in my mind it's as if a person lets themselves be victimized | whereas I'm the type that isn't taking an ass whipping laying down, somebody's going to fall when I fall, as I only need 2-3 accurately placed blows to end a fight..., having power in both hands help ) anywho, wheee was I?, now it's coming back to me ( it's the 64 year old brain doing it's thing I guess ) I was asking ( or about to ) if anyone know of a decent quality set of 4 Binding Post, that don't require soldering?, as I guess I've become spoiled of late by all the ones which offer screw down type of connectors these days.
Weird things is ( at least to me is ) how both Mundorf | Furutech types are getting costlier with each passing year.
Any | all recommendations are appreciated.
In the meantime as is my usual saying for the last few years..., here's bidding you all be well | stay safe above all else | enjoy the music.
Edits: 08/10/22 08/10/22 08/10/22Follow Ups:
Here we go again..., while I've decided to go one further and wish to replace the one pair of RCA Female Input Sockets as well | I've looked at the usual suspect, which to my mind ( and shall remain so ) is the WBT WBT - NextGen 0210Cu Ms ( metal nut ) yet once again as I'm not the technician type that learned to soldier during JR High of High School, I'm forced once again to narrow my choices down to types which could actually be screwed down onto the chassis | as well as have the wires ran through a centrally located hole and screwed down itself.
One name seemed to come to mind, namely Viborg which many of us know or own as the last few years have been kind in exploring globally and to come across their wares, of which I'm very very taken with their two power cords, which have been forever discussed on these page.
The model that comes to mind is their RC 102 ( CU ) whereas I selected this version over the Gold | Rhodium types, as I'm still uncertain about their musical attributes | yet at some point I'm well aware I've have to get around to sampling them one day ( just not quite yet ) as one never knows.., and since most if not all preamp sections, be it dedicated preamp?, or integrated amp?, all seem to come with gold plated RCA jacks as standard, who am I to go against the grain?, just someone whom buys gear based upon performance | appearance where I know the latter can be viewed as shallow, but please wait until to see the photos of the one I'm talking about before nailing me to the cross.
Just another want of tying to share | run ideas by you all.
Take care fellas.
O_o scar
Best binding posts I've ever used. Is used on a grounding box made by Signal Ground Solution from Scotland. Silky smooth and feels like jewelry . Don't know what brand...-sorry.
Are these silver or rhodium plated copper binding post?, and by all means do provide the link for them.
Thanks yet once again.
O_o scar
Thanks sk,
Yet as their brand isn't know, it makes it very very difficult to know what's what?, yet I'm not one for using plastic binding post, and have decided as mentioned earlier, I'll be riding out a quad of the Cardas pure copper post.
Thanks again.
Stay safe.
Edits: 08/12/22
These binding posts are ALL metal with silver as the contact. Here's a pic on the piece of gear.
Having just checked your image system detail | only thing that deserves to be said is great taste | obviously a budget to support your passion | love the S.I.N. Cabling loom, as one of my buddies from Hong Kong send me a a pair of IC's | SCs to listen to for 6 months, while he | his family were on holiday, they like to call it.
All righty then..., from this point of view | they appear quite horny ( Canadian speak for saxy, and even that's breaking the rules, where I'm aware it should be spelled as sexy ) you've done. Very very professional looking job there | now if you'd provide the link for these particular binding post?, it wouldn't hurt fir me to me to look at them | especially considering you were kind enough to post on my behalf.
Wish I could provide a link, best I can do is provide a link to the company that uses them,
Thanks sk,
I guess that'll have to do.
Said amp I'm trying my best to exchange its rather bland looking binding post.
WOW! | as I travel across the American landscape visiting different states.., via a Greyhound Bus at that.., it's rather lonely as the bus seems empty | where are others when needed?.
Great thing is, I was able to figure this one out on my on | the verdict is.
If you want binding posts with less is more philosophy, the KLEI Classic Harmony is a strong contender. I have very good sound from their Absolute Harmony RCA's, they are regarded as being among the very best out there. Soldering them are also going to be much easier, than the heavy one's like WBT and Cardas, you'll need a very heavy (90-120W) soldering iron to manage these for a perfect junction (I know from experience!).
Haven't tried them yet, but have bought them for my awaiting new amp.
Very competitive prices too :-)
Hello mojul,
Apologies for the delayed response | thanks for chiming in, as I was beginning to think no one was up for the road trip into the often overlooked subject at hand..., yet once again I'd much prefer something slightly different | and having spent 2.5 hours this morning looking at various amplification | just to study the binding post most of their manufacturers choose to place on their wares between the prices of $8.000-$35.000 was rather shocking to say the least, as many merely looked like some form of everyday usage of the binding post from Vampire | yet I do seem to recall these being copper based materials. It makes me wonder if consumers really are content buying any given price amp without questioning the quality of the RCA Inputs or Binding Post?, and merely settling?, or just don't care?, the only culture that I've noticed to seemingly get away with plastic or plain non-descriptive type binding post since the mid 70s to now has been most British designs..., even upper tier Naim Audio Amplification offers said design.
Yet more importantly via a friend of a friend ( Thanks for being the voice of logic Angus ) whom happens to be a very very competent technician with a heartfelt passion for all things tubes, and it one of those rare types that used to restore | mod vintage tube brands from the 50s | 60s, who's words I've to honor.
He suggested sticking with the all copper Cardas Audio CCBP S, of which I've be buying a quad of later on today | as I don't think $112 for 4 of them is going to cause me to have to sell body parts, I'm up for it, as mentioned I've done these three times in the past by merely taking the wiring harness from inside either of sad amps, after having installed a pure copper o lug onto said wire, just place it closest to where the bolts attach to the chassis | tighten them down | place the screws back into place | done.
Yet during said research, I've to say that while I'm not of the 1-2% which can afford $30.000 - $35.000 integrated amps, there are two which I'd if I could.., namely the Kondo | Audio Note Overture EL34 based design from Japan or the Dan D'Agostino Momentum, this one based upon looks along, I only wish I'd venture down the road a bit to Paragon's Sight | Sounds in Ann Arbor Michigan just to hear it.
Yet in my dreams..., it resides between my speakers on a custom sized amp stand in all its glory.
I do intend to buy a quad of the ETI Research binding post just for the sake of it, should the mood ever strike me to exchange to them from the Cardas Copper ones?. Life as it is, is beautiful | having said options makes it even more enjoyable.
Be well | Stay safe.
O_o scar
Although I do not have KLEI binding posts, I do have a number of their other products.
This started when I met Keith back maybe 15+ years ago.
I find an actual audible difference with his products (given the limits of actually swapping plugs over) and a difference of "quality", maybe timbre of sound when I use leads with his plugs.
I would recommend them highly.
Thanks for chiming in Ozpomfromhell,
Yet as I just looked at them | I'd rather not..., as mentioned like many I do tend to buy with eyes | ears, in our home anything which entered the front door, has to look good. I'm one of those types that cares about home enough to be concerned about decor as well.
Hence many of the photos used in my responses, many are because I love their sense of style | I save them into my photo albums as visual reminders of said options, until I've decided to actually purchased said item(s) | only then deleted.
Yes..., I'm weird that way, but aren't afraid to admit it. Home is where my heart | wife | family reside, it has to look the part, ever the system.
Oddly, I guess, I disagree and find Keith's products visually attractive.
Each to their own.
That's why many of us tend to use system from different brand | otherwise wouldn't it be boring if say 25-40 of your mates had identical components?, what would be the use of visiting their homes, when one could stay at home and hear exactly the same playback reproduction as them?.
And while some people like apples or oranges | I've always went against the grain | much preferred cherries. In the end it's okay if we all choose to be different than one another | or like the things we like, no?.
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