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In Reply to: RE: 193L vs. 193M for 110-V service posted by Dyak on July 02, 2007 at 15:59:40
Remove the Auricaps from the system and you'll be a lot happier with the choke.
Follow Ups:
Hi Alan,
No kidding. OK, I'll give it a whirl. They've (the auricaps) been in there soo long I had kinda forgotten 'bout 'em.
OK, hmmmmm, does Al's post earlier today (linked below) explain why this might be so? Specifically his 4th and 6th "paragraphs"?
In light of that, my PLC (lightly tweaked Monster 3500MkII) uses parallel AC caps as well... in general, are the caps and the chokes acting (for lack of a better descriptive term)"antagonistically" towards one another? If I'm reading things correctly, I am presuming that my PLC may be degrading the (potential) sound quality over using the chokes, correct? Whoa...that's some heavy news....though I always knew that the use of inline PLCs is essentially a trade-off of sorts.
Regardless, I'll still remove the Auricaps and write back to let you (all) know of my perceptions and opinions.
Just ordered some more chokes....one's on its way and the others are back-ordered.
Best regards and thanks for the tip!
For what its worth to those might be interested: Here's a list of the Monster 3500 MkII "tweaks" I've done/tried thus far: 1st, I found the Monster unit waaay cheap (less than $100) and it is fed from a VH-Audio cryoed 10-2 Romex dedicated line to a cryoed Furutech 20-Amp outlet, going into a VH-Audio Flavor 4 w/furu Cu terminations to the Monster PLC.
1) I cut and inserted Furu IEC inlet 2) Replaced all outlets with Furu 15 amp Cu (not the newest ones),
3) Replaced all crimp connectors w/point-to-point soldered cryoed wires
4) Reinforced all solder traces w/cryoed 18 gauge VH-Audio hookup wire (removed all insulation then laid & soldered over traces where possible)
5) Bypassed filtration section for "high current" outlets w/VH-Audio star-quad wire,
6) Dampened / connected caps to the boards where possible or to each other w/small amounts of rope caulk,
7) Dampened interior chassis and borards w/rope caulk and PEs sonic barrier dampening foam,
8) Vibrapods and cones supporting the unit.
If I'm reading the correct passage, then yes...Al is in the ballpark. He appears to be one of the few that understand what this tweak is all about.
Single valued parallel cap designs (especially if you don't know what to use) can caused interaction problems. As I told you in the e-mail, the PE was designed to work in concert with the choke as part of a larger pacakage. The Washer adds balance ac into the picture and the Studio Ref power cord.
The Monster can be re-voiced and corrected using the PE. The PE will basically alter the ringing character of the Monster and control it, so it will synergize with the choke properly.
The next thing to do is remove the Vibrapods....I have been testing a new exotic wood hybrid foot that is really superb. Right now it's being made for personal use, but I'm trying to talk the designer into putting the foot on the market....exotic woods, especially this idea...are the future for high end audio.
Hi Alan,
OK. I removed the Auricaps from the CDP and sat down and listened...some of the "magic" had dissappeared and some midrange break-up and sibilance became evident as well. I recalled at that point that I had not placed caps across the secondaries of the JR SQ&D Iso Trans (linked below) I use to feed my CDP....so last night I placed the Auricaps there..."magic" has returned in spades! Tough to tell if it sounds better than it did w/them inside the CDP but I'm inclined to think that it does....but that may be more of a testament to my speakers (lightly tweaked B&W CDM9NTs...don't laugh...I'm in the process of building new towers) and CDP (lightly tweaked Denon DVD 2900)...both of which sound "OK" but really need assistance to do so. Interesting that both you and cdc heard "negative" effects when using both the Auricaps and chokes together (read in earlier posts by each of you if I recall correctly). Well, as time passes and my gear changes, so may my tastes and preferences, but for the moment the Auricaps shall remain.
I received your email but have not replied yet....I do wish to talk w/you about the PE...especiall since benie and cdc both mentioned it with praise.
Interesting....thus far I've only given passing thought to maple blocks (not so exotic...), but that has been lower on my tweak priority scale as I'm in the process of both building speakers and adding the 'Extended' package to my Bottlehead Foreplay III linestage. I guess I should give a whirl to a few diff types of wood footers/blocks and see if I can hear a difference with my gear. I recalled how much the pods impressed me (for the $$ especially) so if the direction is towards exotic woods, it may very well be worth my time and effort to learn a bit more.
Thank you once again for taking the time to share your knowledge with us!
- http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=tweaks&n=43988&highlight=iso+trans+quick+dirty&r=&session= (Open in New Window)
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