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I hope these make things clearer.
I was surprised to find I was using Vibrapods in them and old cones underneath.
They are really quite simple things.![]()
Follow Ups:
I have a simpler version that I have been using for long time.
Recipe is
2 x Wooden Cutting boards - obtained from Ikea (Springwood) at the time, and
2 x Hard "foam" gardening mats - intended for you to kneel on when you're out in the back yard weeding. Colours are horrible, but the chopping boards are slightly larger than the mats, so the foam is hidden. Bought them from a "Crazy Clarks" type store for a dollar or two, each.
One benefit of this arrangement is that the whole assembly can slide(including Speakers)to tweak positioning (Obviously, this is usually only necessary when new speakers are installed).
Seem to be fine and dandy supporting my Sonique 5.5SE.
I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.
Where ya been hiding out, Welly?
Yes, that seems like the same basic idea.
I am sure it works very well.
The boards, assuming they are the ones made of end-block are pretty good at breaking up vibration.
I have no idea what the foam is but several "stiff" or hard foams do have the right effect.
I have been lurking around the edges of the forum, but obviously not stirring enough people up to cause myself to be noticed:-)
I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time". So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.
How can that be an improvement when you have raised the axis of your speakers another 6-8 inches? The only way this can work is if you raised yourself accordingly.
They are ribbon speakers.
The ribbons extend down to within 500mm of the floor, well below ear height unless you are in a semi-comatose collapsed on the floor state when it's far too late to notice!!
The overall height of the stands is less than 4".
Even when I had stand mounters (Epos 14s) the improvement through using the bases was far greater than any problem with changing the height by a small amount.
What do you get from a change of height? A difference in the balance between the high and low frequencies. Yes, but the question is how much, which is a tricky one to predict.
Now I tend to have the speakers set to produce good sound across the wide stage rather than to focus directly in to the sweet spot, so I think I may get less of the problem then if you have that other arrangement.
and it's a traditional 3-way... he's not fussed about 2-3" of incremental height. Just FYI - probably worth checking with the speaker manufacturer before designing the platform.
... from the floor, is that at first the bass may sound a bit light because you are losing all the reinforcement of what is probably upper and mid bass.
You will lose some slam from a lot of records. But what you will gain is a much quicker bass. And in my experience, the deep bass will come through clearer as it is not being obscured by the bloated mid bass.
I would suggest (and this will obviously vary with your musical tastes) some small group jazz where the bass and drums will be a major part of the music and then something with very deep bass. I have a cd of organ music that, in fact, I am not that keen on, but it does have a section I always use to check the deepest bass.
This clearing of the sound can effect the atmosphere that the music seems to happen in and should improve and should help soundstaging and imaging.
Obviously, the lower the height of the platform, the less difference it will make.
But do you have your tweeters at ear height, and where is ear height, within a couple of inches?
If you were to use 2 layers of a board at say at least 3/4" each and a soft layer in the middle and footers, then I think 3 inches is achievable without too much fuss. 4" is easy.
Again, I would definitely say you gain more than anything you could lose.
I'm not going to use different materials/veneers for simplicity. I'm going to find the hardest dried/aged wood that I can in 2" thickness (reclaimed super-hardwoods or white maple) in the size that I need. I'll finish it in either a natural oil and put either sorbothane or other isolating feet. If the isolating feet don't work, then I'll try coupling feet (cones etc.).
I see no reason something like that wouldn't work.
What I did notice when I took the base apart was that the Vibrapods seemed a bit flattened so I might do that oven thing to revive them.
As opposed to the delicate mechanisms of CDPs and amps, I think you can use a much broader brush to cope with speaker isolation.
Over a suspended floor, a nice wood platform will look good and the soft footers will be good enough to reduce a huge amount of transmission to the floor.
Do keep us up to speed on how it goes.
So I've bought some Wenge wood (harder than any domestic available in North America) and it's being dressed and cut for me. It's all kiln dried.
I was looking for dark wood, so lighter Maples etc, would require staining and I'd rather not. I'm going to sand, bevel, and oil (quite a number of times) and then apply vibration isolation and I'm done. I hope it makes a difference :). If not, it was fun and inexpensive anyways.
It sounds like it should have good effects.
Looks good, it works and it doesn't cost too much.
Can you get a better combination?
Possibly, but I bet you would lose out in the cost stakes.
Thanks Dave
Hi Dave
Vibrapods work great under speakers. They have done wonders for my BG 520dx.
Great tip...
I agree. As with many of Herbie's products they are a simple and cost effective product which can be used in a wide variety of locations.
Are we still likely to see you in Australia, Alan?
I was planning on it for the fall, but Jen was loaned out to go back for next month. I don't know the full details yet, but it looks like she'll be gone for at least the next 6 to 8 months. It's all happening very quickly, I just learned of the tasking the other day.
... for all reasons that it is all over soon.
try some platfoam by aurelex inside the two halves of you base.
Alternatively bolt the top half of the base to the speakers using the spike thread points ....fill the base wit dry sand ...fit bottom then sit on platfoam ....
this with increase the mass, rigidity and lower the centre of gravity ofthe speakers [all good things]. The platfoam will then isolate the speakers from the floor....
I use mopad on my ML Aireus i's..best sound so far ...having done the spike thing ..then wooden cones ....
about how you are using the Mopads. Do you have anything under the speakers or are they directly on the mopads? Do you have suspended wooden floors? Details, details, please! Spiking my Aerius i's is the best I've found but I really would like to try isolation. A photo would be great!
Thanks in advance.
No lights,
no liquor,
no laughs,
they just sit around,
hating themselves.
-Paul Drake, P.I.
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