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In Reply to: RE: Maybe that third one is just for show? posted by ABliss on August 18, 2024 at 20:17:55
A tube can not work if the cathode is not hot. The heater in the middle of the cathode has to glow if it is hot. That tube's cathode is not being heated. That tube can not be working.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Music
"Still Working the Problem"
Follow Ups:
But the glow does not have to be visible! If the heater is covered by the plate and or cathode structure then it can seem to be not working even though it is working and the cathode is properly heated. The most common example of a tube that does that is the 12AX7LPS Sovtek. I get inquiries all the time about that tube not glowing - and I always ask if it is hot.
His is hot, so I am virutally certain the tube is fine, but the heater is not visible.
"If the heater is covered by the plate and or cathode structure then it can seem to be not working even though it is working"
It is not just the heater that glows. In a normal indirectly heated tube the heater gets the cathode so hot that the cathode also glows.You will not see this if the cathode is covered by the plate but in the 6n1p (and the 6080) the cathode is not covered by the plate. The tube below has holes in the plate and you can see the cathode glowing.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Music
"Still Working the Problem"
"If the heater is covered by the plate and or cathode structure" but it's not. Look at the other 2 tubes in the picture. You can see the heater glow from top to bottom.
That tube is build like 6080 with a plate on either side of the heater/cathode/grid structure that is totally exposed at the sides and, like a 6080, you can clearly see the heater glow.
A 6080
Have Fun and Enjoy the Music
"Still Working the Problem"
Edits: 09/20/24
Here's the results from a google search for 6NIP.
Here's Musical Paradise page.
Furthermore, I only mentioned the 6080 because it is built the same way (with the cathode showing, top to bottom) and I thought Jim might be familiar with them.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Music
"Still Working the Problem"
"Look at the other 2 tubes in the picture. You can see the heater glow from top to bottom."
The same thing happens in the LPS Sovteks I mentioned. Some hide the heater completely and some do not. There is some construction variance/tolerance between tubes that hides some heaters but does not hide others.
Although I don't think the OP told us this, but my inference was that prior to the subwoofer bump, all three tubes looked the same.
If that inference was/is incorrect, then yours is the only other plausible explanation.
Yes, prior to the subwoofer loud thump they all glowed the same, very bright compared to the 6922s I had in.
The 6nips are very new with less than fifty hours on them. It has no light, but feels hot like the others. So it must be working but something caused the glow to turn off, and I feel ninty percent it had something to do with the sub.
I emailed the dealer, he thinks the sub could have turned on by some radio interference or surge, and maybe it backfeed to the tube. He thinks the tube is still good if it plays and is hot.
I asked about a schematic, he says they don't give it out.
I have a new set of Russian 6nips coming tomorrow, so I will remove these Chinese ones and see if my Eico can test them.
"I asked about a schematic, he says they don't give it out ."
Bastards, one more reason not to buy Chinese crap. Who's the dealer?
Edits: 09/20/24
If you know for certain the tube used to have a visible orange glow and it is now not visible then that's a different story. What I posted before is all true, but it doesn't apply in this case since the tube changed.
Just swap the "no glow" tube with one of the other 6n1p tubes that does glow and see how it looks in a different socket. That's the easiest way to narrow down what the issue is in this case.
Finally - the Russian 6n1p tubes are a better choice than the Chinese ones IMHO. I've sold about 80 of the 100 Russian ones I had and have yet to have a single issue with any of them.
Thanks for the follow up. I swapped them around and that one tube is totally dead now. I guess it still was hanging on when it felt hot and was still playing. It doesn't even feel warm anymore.
I put in some Russian 6nip I just got and all is well.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Music
"Still Working the Problem"
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