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I have brought my DR-10 out of mothballs as a temporary replacement for the CR-7 which is in need of a service.
I need to clean the fascia and controls with an application that will attend to the little blooms of mould which have appeared. Can any forum members suggest a cleanser to do the job?
Thanks in advance.
Follow Ups:
Take a microfibre cloth and dip it in a solution of dove or some other mild dish washing liquid and water. Get the cloth damp/moist and then wipe the affected areas gently and that should take care of it. If not take a look in your Nak user manual and follow the instructions there for cleaning the deck.
Hi, stuartypoorty:
Mold or fungus loves moisture. If this has occurred in your own environment, you have a problem. So both high humidity, combined with high temperatures promote mold/fungal growth.
Dust is hygroscopic. If there is a lot of it around, it attracts and retains moisture, which in turn, promotes the growth of mold / fungus.
Keep it dry and you start to solve the issue.
A recommended agent to kill fungus is the chemical paradichlorobenzene, which is more commonly found on the hardware store shelves in the form of MOTH BALLS. You could put on the face mask, gloves go outdoors and hammer away at some moth balls, put your deck in a sealable plastic bag, insert a dish of delicious crushed moth balls and put this in the sun to warm up. If the crushed moth balls begin to go into a vapor state, this will act to kill whatever mold is present. It might also so harm to any rubber belts in the deck, however, about which I am NO EXPERT AT ALL.
There are other agents which will kill mold/fungus on contact, such as certain bathroom cleansers, but they can also damage certain surfaces.
Rule of thumb: test TEST and TEST SOME MORE before putting stuff on your precious NAK machine.
Also: ultraviolet light can kill some fungus/mold. Think = SUNLIGHT.
Here is a wonderful blow-by-blow description of what to do to get rid of mold and fungus:
Just my .02 on the matter.
Richard Links
Berkeley, CA
Hi,if there is mold on the outside i would be more concerned with mold that may be inside the deck or on rubber parts like pinch rollers and idler tires.
You might try a using a teaspoon of baking soda in about a cup of luke-warm water. Applied sparingly with a soft cotton cloth. That should kill and remove the mold from the facia and controls.
Hi, B.Zak:
I would recommend AGAINST the use of water in treating this problem. Please see my reply and recommendation and the URL provided.
Richard Links
Berkeley, CA
Well, I would advise against the use of any chemical that just might strip all the lettering off the facia.I mean the guy wants to kill a little fungus build-up...not decontaminate his neighborhood!
Hi, B.Zak:
The problem might be not his neighborhood, but his ENVIRONMENT. Unless the unit came from a damp basement or the like.
Again, I want to repeat something:
TEST, TEST and TEST AGAIN. You are absolutely right that you do not want to remove anything except the mold from the unit.
So, I once recommended that folks refrain from cleaning the inner dial glass of Fisher and Marantz FM tuners with Windex. So, what happens? Folks just go ahead and use WINDEX and their dial glass lettering takes a giant leap into outer-space.
Richard Links
Berkeley, CA
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