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I placed an order with revelation audio for sennheiser cables last OCt 17, 2007 and have yet to receive the product or a refund. I live in the state of florida and have sought assistance through the state, to no avail. Revelation audio stopped sending me their periodic emails letting me know my order was soon shipping and shipping info would be coming shortly. Is there a class action suit that i can join? What is the information? Frankly I cannot stand being victimized by unscrupulous vendors, esp in a site such as this one. All I want is a refund (the check is in the mail) or to see Revelation Audio receive the justice they deserve.
Follow Ups:
I should have done a search here on Audio Asylum before I made the purchase. Instant payment, instant acceptence, instant USPS reply that they have received shippers information. I have not received the product and when I try to contact them whether by phone(disconnected) and by email I get no response. Boo!!!!!
I hate this company as well. I had a very similar experience: for the first two months, Brad was very prompt in his replies and status updates, albeit dishonest (kept telling me my cables were being completed as we speak ... should ship next week, etc.) He then became unreachable for a few months after that. I eventually got my cables about 8 months after I placed my order. No apologies, no explanation, no small gesture of compensation for my patience ... nothing.
Brad at Revelation Audio is classless.
Addendum. Revelation audio (Brad V) is located in the state of Florida and not to be confused with Audio Revelation in Southern California. The Two are not at all related in any way. Sorry for any confusion on this matter.
biblical references and 'verse of the day' plastered all over their web site?
Due to my moral, though admittedly non-christian upbringing, I won't say anything. I'll allow others to come to their own conclusions.
As William Burroughs says on the Material Hallucination Engine album...
"If you are doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing. "
Wow; what nonsensical reaction.
You have data that suggests that "religious" people, or Christians, are less honest in business transactions? That I would like to see!
For one thing, since Christianity teaches that there's a God that's watching everything you do, and that you'll be held accountable for such things, as opposed to atheist's worldview which allows him to basically get away with it all, what sort of sense would it make if those with Christian leanings were _more_ likely to be shady?
It turns out - get this! - that those folks who find themselves incarcerated for fraud, theft, and other crimes have far _lower_ belief in God and religious practice, statistically. Is that just batty, or what?!
(I don't, BTW, share Mr. Revelation's particular type of Christianity - at all - but I just can't let nonsensical crap like this sail by with no comment. Hope you understand. :))
both posters should not categorise christians or others as good or bad.
An atheist is not automatically without moral in the same way as a christian or any other religious follower is not automatically on higher moral ground than anyone else. Conversley there may be atheists with no morals and christians with many.
Whether the morals are good or bad is another argument. I don't like people who rip others off.
failed to understand-was not about religion per se, but about hypocrisy. If a person, in this case a retailer, is waving the flag of 'Christianity' on his web site, one would assume he would be following the teachings of his religion. If I'm not mistaken, one of the basic tenets of Christianity is 'Thou Shalt Not Steal'. If said retailer, waving that flag, turns out to be a thief, we've got us a....hypocrite.
Got it?
Once I got a refund from them after waiting 8 weeks for a cable that was never delivered (umbilical cable for my TT power supply). Then several months later I placed another order and I actually received the cable (RJ45 I2S cable) about 2 weeks after placing the order.
I understand they have been banned from Audiogon due to their practices. Too bad they can't be shut down altogether.
I guess I was lucky too. I bought some cables from Brad a few years ago. At that time, at least, he was very responsive to my special requests and shipment was quick. Sorry to hear about this change. It can do nothing but hurt his business further.
How did you pay? Can you do a chargeback?
Paid with paypal and they will not assist if not filed within 45 days. I have waited in the past a reasonable amount of time especially when the vendor was communicating for handmade cables. So if using paypal, also please be advised of their complaint policies.
I thank everyone for their replies. At this point is it really less about the money than about informing the public and dealing with a vendor whose business practices are at the very least questionable and unacceptable, and at the worst could be perceived to be fraudulent and illegal.
My case/complaint (0805-16223) to doacs.state.fl.us was opened earlier this year and to date i have received no response from them on its status despite several requests.
The last communication received from RA was:
From: Revelation Audio Labs, Inc. [mailto:brad@revelationaudiolabs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:59 PM
To: lightfla@
Subject: Order shipment
Hi Bill,
Your order is shipping this week - package tracking info to follow.
Grace and peace,
Brad Vojtech
Chief Designer / Founder
Revelation Audio Labs, Inc.
voice - (386) 983-5576
Sorry to hear about that.
If you paid with paypa funded by a credit card you can contact the credit card directly and request a charge back. I'd call them asap.
I feel for you. I'll share my experience as an additional warning for any that might be considering purchasing a Revelation Audio Labs product:Short story: It took me 9 months after full payment to receive my speaker cables, and that only after registering formal complaints with the Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Florida Attorney General's office.
Every few weeks he'd promise that the cables were being shipped 'next week' or so, but these promises were continually broken with one (lame) excuse or another. Several times I requested him to return my payment, but he refused.
When he finally sent them, he even sort of 'bragged' that many others have been waiting longer than I. When selling them I was contacted by several others who'd been waiting over a year for their paid-for cables, asking if I had any advice for them. I wish I did. I think a class-action suit is a good idea. Consider contacting any vendors who sell his products or show with them.
Whether or not his cables are good or not, IMO this kind of business ethic should not be supported.
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