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Eluetrios Alejo is at it again on Ebay. His new Ebay I.D. is: Electronics2265.
His last I.D. was Tubecrazyforaudio. I still cannot beleive that this joker is not banner by Ebay. Everytime his feedback goes to *hit he opens a new account until he scams more people.
Follow Ups:
I'm just reading this thread for the first time today, but add me to the list of people who have been scammed by Ken Haynes. (Another reason I should follow this board more closely!) A fradulent transaction, following one very slow transaction in which I did eventually receive the item. I now count myself as lucky for the latter . . . and know that it could have been worse, but here goes:
Last January I bought a TV7 D/U tube tester on eBay from electronics2265. I tried to contact him again and again and heard nothing. But we spoke on the phone about 3 months later. His explanation was that his e-mail address had changed and he never received my e-mails. He also said that he had tried to contact me, but his e-mails to me bounced back -- all of which, on hindsight, was BS. Then, after we spoke, there were further delays at his end, due to a sick family member . . . sound familiar? But the tester eventually arrived -- no harm no foul, I thought. Okay so far.
Now comes the scam: We talked on the phone for a long time and he said he had a pair of military headphones for checking noise on the TV7 D/U, which he'd sell me for $110. This was outside of eBay, but he sounded like an honest guy -- and even a man of faith. I sent him a money order. That was in March. He hasn't responded to me since then, despite numerous attempts.
After reading this thread, I suppose I'm lucky for having lost only $110. fwiw, his feedback on eBay as user electronic2265 was positive until just a few months ago. But reading about his history under other seller names . . . well, it's all been said in this thread.
Sequel: I had paid Haynes for the headphones last March by US Postal Service money order. Fortunately, I was able to find my receipt for the money order. Upon inquiry today at my local Post Office, I was told that the money order has not been cashed and I can get a refund :-)
I am to complete and mail in a USPS Money Order Inquiry form. There is a $5 fee, which I will pay happily. In 1-2 weeks, I should receive a replacement money order, which can be cashed at any Post Office. So apparently there are advantages to a USPS Money Order, versus other types of money order or a personal check.
And apparently Haynes is a screw up, in addition to other things. His pattern is very odd: having a new moniker and building up positive feedback and then, after some period of time, the whole thing crashes and he starts ripping people off. Strange indeed, but no excuse. Stay away!!! (but you know that . . . )
Be careful, because Grayling is just a few miles down the road from Gaylord, the Perp's last known abode.
I doubt it. This person takes Paypal, has good pics, good feedback with history back to 2003. Also shows that they accept returns.
I hope HiFiBuff is correct. The point about the new seller accepting PayPal is well taken -- Haynes would not accept PayPal. The new seller, Michelle's Magic Cards, offers many items besides tubes, but perhaps Haynes is now working with someone legitimate.All of that said, there are similarities between the tube side of Michelle's business and Ken Haynes. Last March, Haynes described himself as a major tube seller who often sold large lots of tubes. Michelle has large lots listed on eBay. But probably we'll never know. I don't suppose that Michelle will take care of Hayne's debts. (lolz) (hell, might as well laugh . . . )
fwiw, Grayling is about 25 miles from Gaylord. Both locales seem to be, uh, out there. (My apologies for not listing the following as a hot link but I don't know how.) http://michigan.hometownlocator.com/Maps/Distance-Directions.cfm?Gaylord@45.0275126,-84.6747523
to sell tubes. I just had one of my customers tell me they just bought some tubes from her and they were microphonic. Her ads say that the tubes were tested for microphonics and noise. She is selling alot more tubes now than they were a month ago.
Buyer BEWARE! Electronics2265, VintageValvesetc, LotsofTubes
Guys, thanks for the warning. I just won an fleabay auction from desireme on two Sylvania black plate 12AU7s. It was a low winning price, so if they turn out to be crap, I won't lose too much. Her shipping charges though, are outrageous. I will never bid on anything from her again and have told her so.
probably we won't even know about it. When he goes to the federal penitentiary for ten years of butt-plugging, probably we'll be wondering what ever happened to Eleuterio Alejas the tube scammer. :(
Yeah, and his buddy Ken Haynes!
what if we all bid on his stuff and don't pay?? When he is removed, isn't his feedback removed or marked void?
I don't want to resort to his level. Hopefully, the long arm of the law will get him. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.
I reported this guy quite a while ago when he PURCHASED Telefunken tubes from me on eBay, repainted the tips with the little red dots and then sold them as "selected" low noise tubes.
eBay did nothing.
Then....when I tried to e-mail some of the high bidders on the auctions to let them know what he had done, eBay gave me one of those "we're sorry, but you are not currently involved in a transaction with this person...blah, blah, blah..." messages. So I was not able to send them.
Nice going eBay.
eBay did nothing. REALJAZZCAT was gold plating tube pins and selling the tubes as genuine factory premium tubes for 10 times their true value. eBay almost always sides with the seller for obvious reasons. Have you noticed that not a single non-frame grid, gold pin Telefunken 12AX7 has shown up on eBay since REALJAZZCAT stopped selling them?
Now he has been reduced to selling his crappy, hyped-up Telefunken PCC88s to unsuspecting newbies. Sure, they might sound better than the worst modern tubes, but they are not worth $98/pair. I would bet he doesn't pay more than $5 each for them because nobody wanted them. Also, what are the long term effects of running a 7v tube at 6.3v? TubeMuseum my ASS!
Classifieds by Electronics2265
Ge triple mica black plate 5751 tubes $240.00
5 New Gold Pin siemens 5842 tubes repalcements for we 417a tubes $200.00
Best Tube Tester tv2b/u for collecter or audiophile $120.00
Pair of telefunken 12au7 tubes $480.00
Quad of fisher telefunken 12ax7 tubes $720.00
New mullard 5ar4 TUBE $400.00
New Pair Of Rca black plate d getter 12ax7 tubes from early 50 $440.00
New Pair Of Triple mica gold pin sylvania 5751 tubes $1400.00
New pair of rca black plate 5751 tubes $400.00
New Pair Of Sylvania black plate 12sl7gt tubes $260.00
New pair of rca 12v6gt tubes $120.00
Super Nice Quad of rca black plate 6l6gc tubes $650.00
Pair Of amperex 1962 gold pin usn 6922 tubes $340.00
Ge vt-4c/ 211 ge vt-4c/ 211 tubes $400.00
Quad of fat base xf1 mullard el34 tubes $1750.00
Nice Pairs Of 1950 amperex bugle boy d getter 12ax7 tubes $880.00
Nice Pairs Of telefunken rib plate 12ax7 tubes $600.00
New And Lightly used pairs of telefunken smooth 12ax7 tubes $825.00
New Pairs Of military sylvania 6cg7 tubes square getter $240.00
New Pairs Of Rca, ge and sylvania 12bh7 tubes $160.00
Postal inspectors. They come in dressed like duck hunters who are lost, act like they forgot why they came, "Can I borrow your pen, I forgot mine", and slowly con the confession out of my clients.
Well he won't sell any at those ridiculous prices! $160/pair for 12BH7's! LMAO! You can get FIVE NOS 12BH7's for $70!
Rob"Let there be songs, to fill the air"
When this joker actually delivers tubes--they are lifeless and useless.
YEA,this guy ripped me off for a hundred bucks with a bogus tube.
I tryed to tell people on a post here about 2 months ago but no one took heed.This guy is a mennace and a liar,coward!!!!!!!!!
Michigan State Police - Seventh District Gaylord Post #73
563 S. Otsego
Gaylord, MI 49735
Phone: 989-732-2778
Michigan Department of Attorney General
G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor
525 W. Ottawa St.
P.O. Box 30212
Lansing, MI 48909
Main Number (517) 373-1110
Consumer Protection (517) 373-1140
Toll Free (877) 765-8388
FBI Detroit
26th. Floor, P. V. McNamara FOB
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48226
(313) 965-2323
Thx. I did file a mail fraud report from USPS
Says he lives in Gaylord, Michigan.
is the correct spelling, I believe.
Yah, this guy took me for $175. He answers emails and calls so he keeps you on the hook until after you can't post neg feedback or file a claim. Gives you a sob story. Steer clear.
Ken Haynes
PO Box 5
Gaylord, MI 49734
or ken_haynes@hotmail.com
He s dragging you out until you can't leave him negative feedback.
Another reason I would NEVER buy from a person that only gives you a P.O. box as an address, you can't do anything locally in his town like call the police.
Hi, I am from Germany. I bought last year a tube receiver from eleuterio /lotsoftubes for 439$. I did not get the item, Paypal refunded only 175,00$. Today I confrontated electronics2265. Here his answer: "Hi sir I really do not understand what you are talking about as I do not know this person.Thanks Kenneth". But when you compare the listings of electronics2265 with eleuterio's in 2007 there are so many identicalnesses in the pictures, spelling style, descriptions, and the conditions of selling. Now electronics2265 received the first real negative feedback (Money Paid, Nothing received after 1 month. No response and reply till now) and some neutral and he recently switched to offering his items worldwide. For me too much is identical. May be I am wrong but I would not be surprised when his future feedbacks aren't so positive.
He is the same not someone named "Kenneth". On AudioGon he has the exact same zipcode 49735 which is Gaylord, Michigan, the exact same as Eleturio. Yes his e-bay ads are exactly the same with "wright" instead of "right". He must think people are stupid not to notice this. I feel for anyone that gets taken by this *ss.
Ebay makes money from him. Hence, he is not banned - and won't be, regardless of what he might do to his customers. Caveat Emptor, indeed.
Yeah, I know. There was even a guy he ripped of that took out an Ebay auction with the title: Tubecrazyforaudio, Lotsoftubes is a rip off, when he was screwed on a Fisher 400 that Eleutrio did not deleiver. Gave multiple excuses, Paypal refunded what was in his account but he was still owed over $200.
Ken Haynes is a sleazeball of the highest order.
I wonder what Ebay moniker he'll resurface under next.
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