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He DOES buy aand PAY FOR a LOT of stuff.
But WOE to the person who does not have a TRACKING NUMBER AND SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION on delivery.
This guy files VOLUMES of PAYPAL COMPLAINTS hoping to get his money back on the technicality if you should have delivered without the correct confirmation for the type and value of purchase you sent him according to the Paypal rules.
I shipped him a Scott 299 amp and a quad of 7189 tubes. He filed a complaint and never responded to ANY of the 6-8 e-mails that I sent him with a verifiable tracking number or a fedex Signature showing that it was delivered AND SIGNED FOR at his confirmed Paypal address just days after purchase. He tied up the money in my paypal account FOR WEEKS even though I provided the tracking number the FIRST DAY it was requested, he still wouldn't cancel the claim. Paypal giave me my money back, but it took HOURS of phone calls to make it happen in any kind of reasonable time period.
Well...THIRTY NEGATIVES and 9 Neutrals (and counting) THIS MONTH from people who weren't so lucky! My guess is that he is accelerating his scamming as it is being discovered.
Put this guy on your BLOCKED BIDDER LIST and tell all your friends. He is a FIRST CLASS A-HOLE out to rip off as many people as he can!
Follow Ups:
Your one of the fortunate ones,lately there has been more a-holes scaming than ever before.
One thing is for sure,you have to take every precaution possible to cover you azz.Dilivery conformation,insurance,etc.is a must and still things are on your shoulders!
I have met many good people here and there and only a few scumbags,there the worst.
One of my items was just purchased by Geopass. After seeing their feedback I did a little research. Geopass is a Korean company with a proxy in CA. Customers in Asia can buy items on Ebay through them, then Geopass guarantees a tracking number and insurance and whatever extras the buyer wants. Sellers ship to Geopass in California, and then Geopass re-ships the items over to Asia. Its a great idea, now that I know what they do, but their practices are very suspect. They scrutinize each item and package on reception so that they may have cause for a charge-back. Basically, you should be fine selling to Geopass as long as you follow their instructions very carefully. Make sure to add signature on delivery, insurance, and tracking to your package. If you don't follow their directions exactly, they may file a compliant with Paypal to get their money back on the item, keeping the buyer's payment for themselves. Anyway, hope this helps. If anyone has anything to add, please go ahead!
Well, he landed on me a while back and the nightmare is starting. I started searching for info on him and found this thread. THEN I really started digging. His name is Jin Won Seo.
*****EVERYONE who has ever contacted you about him needs to tell eBay and PayPal that he was suspended twice already under the eBay id's "cocoapass" and "geopass". eBay gets really mad when someone makes a new id after they suspend them. Along with "greenteapass" he has a FOURTH eBay id "rarepass" that shows hints of the same drama. Having two concurrent id's is not illegal as long as they don't do shady things between each other. The big one is likely the fact that his first two id's were suspended.
Also, EVERYONE needs to email the overseas company GEOPASS that he works for. He may even be part owner. Who knows. But still, the pride factor in asian companies is big. It will be a huge embarassment and they may slam him themselves.
Their main address in Korea is geopass@geopass.com
This link gives two other addresses. Another one in Korea and one in his same town in California. http://global.geopass.com/GS/GSForUs.aspx
So, as a newcomer to the forum, how do you like me? LOL.
GEOPASS's main Ebay id's were suspended recently. The problem is, he's a buyer. Buyers can only receive positives now. Any new id's will be free of negative feedback no matter what he does. There is already a campaign going. If everyone sends a group inquiry to these email addresses below regarding the question of U.S. and International fraudulent activity by Jin Won Seo then it will have an impact. Simpy ask for a comment or information about reports of Jin Won Seo of GeoPass.com, and the eBay id's geopass, greenteapass, cocoapass, and rarepass committing credit card fraud against other merchants and buyers worldwide. Someone may have an opinion to bring some clarity. His name may not even be real.
This is a group of people who order items for customers in Korea who cannot make international purchases on their own. YOU the seller are used as a reverse "SellItNow" store in which the customer in Korea selects the item that they want off of eBay, then the geopass team buys it for them. Any refunds that the geopass team can from your or PayPal is just a boost in their profit.
http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=GEOPAS&ftab=AllFeedback (suspected)
http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=JINWON&ftab=AllFeedback (suspected)
http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=JINWONSEO&ftab=AllFeedback (suspected)
http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=JINSEO&ftab=AllFeedback (suspected)
http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=WONPASS&ftab=AllFeedback (suspected)
You can cut and paste the above links into the email for their reference. All of these email addresses were collected in the public domain of the internet and are not part of any of the eBay id's. They are to geopass.com company employees all over the U.S., Canada, and Korea. Some are high business partners of other companies so word your inquiry to everyone. Block all of those id's for good measure. I'd email one random address and then blind cc the rest. If people can actually see the bulk list they will be more likely to dismiss it or filter it. If something bounces back then resend it individually. He finally bit the wrong person. Make no accusations. Just ask them if they are aware of this dishonorable activity.
keusa@keusa.com, hjlee@keusa.com, omkwon@keusa.com, paulhan@keusa.com, tony@keusa.com, joshua@keusa.com, jwpark@keusa.com, james@keusa.com, jameshan@keusa.com, shlee@keusa.com, kychoi@keusa.com, jjang@keusa.com, jspark@keusa.com, knlee@keusa.com, jpeak@keusa.com, chi@keusa.com, khkim@keusa.com, yhlee@keusa.com, spark@keusa.com, yoon@keusa.com, jameshan@keusa.com, sycho@keusa.com, dpkim@keusa.com, cschoi@keusa.com, korex@kecanada.com, yjy@keusa.com, b2b@korexmall.co.kr, tedkim@keusa.com, webmaster@korex.co.kr, webmaster@kecit.net, cesilria@geopass.com, geopassjapan@geopass.com, webmaster@korea.net, swj1@saeromcnc.com, b2b@geopass.com
Since I posted my negative feedbacks a few days ago I have received a BUNCH of e-mails from people that he has ripped off asking for more information about what happened to me.
Many of them had already lost their money through Paypal claims, but I told all of them to call Paypal and INSIST, as best they can, that Paypal evaluate his RECENT experience to see that he has changed how he is operating. They may be willing to do this, because claims filed are a money LOSER for paypal, because of the manpower involved in handling the he-said, she said nonsense that goes on in most claims...so if they see that he is a HIGH VOLUME CLAIM FILER...they MAY do something about it.
He lives in Norcal. (Hayward) My guess is that he's going to piss the wrong person off and someone will just show up on his doorstep. One would hope....
That's crazy! Why are they still on ebay?
That's the worst I've seen for a non-hijacked account.
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