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In Reply to: RE: Machina Dynamica (aka Geoff Kait) infringes on my intellectual property posted by Len_ on July 23, 2007 at 08:41:56
Seeing as MD is used to getting something for nothing (Teleportation tweak) and people go along with this, obviously ones property is not ones own, and accordingly, the use of this image is not infringement. MD has full rights to the wallet of those who buy the 'products', and full rights to anything in the public domain.
Stop hassling the guy!
Follow Ups:
Shame to drag this further off topic... but since you brought it up, I don't remember it and didn't find anything with the search engine.
And misdirection doesn't make an argument.
Neither do unsubstantiated attacks on Len's character.
Or bringing up someone else's character, if I did get 'chastised' and was wrong about something. That 'we' chastised me doesn't imply guilt on my part, but I don't remember the event if it took place so won't say more until I see what you're referring to.
I await your response, though perhaps you'd do us ALL a favor and respond to this with bullet points, not more string-along rhetoric like this :
The "Issues" you have yet to elaborate on despite being asked repeatedly to do so.
Here's your answer to such an inquiry:
What is the point of an answer like that? You're about to give him such an intellectual lashing as to need to give him chances to escape, is that your premise? Or just more delay tactics because you have nothing of substance to reference?
...for hearing from God IIRC. The Cable Asylum thread was probably deleted, I can't find it either.
Len_ grossly misrepresented Machina Dynamica products in the opening post, definitely an ethical lapse on his part, wouldn't you agree?
My apologies for the late response, I have a really crapped out computer where I'm staying, and no administrator rights.
...for hearing from God IIRC. The Cable Asylum thread was probably deleted, I can't find it either.
Well, okay, now I remember, but said thread has been deleted. I hold my position, that soldering magnets in series with the conductor, as was claimed in another disappearing act thread (this time on audiogon), is dangerous and irresponsible, whether inspired by god or not.
Len_ grossly misrepresented Machina Dynamica products in the opening post, definitely an ethical lapse on his part, wouldn't you agree?
Well, from what I know, the covers are ceramic and I don't know anything about the quality of the springs, so yes, he was inaccurate here. However, the important issue which you keep attempting to sidestep (below here is another example) is that of intellectual property theft. You continue to answer direct questions with vagaries because you have no answers:
Instead of pointing out where you addressed any of the real issues, you continue to behave as though you made statements which don't exist. It's not hard to link a post.
Perhaps if you spent a little time trying to correlate your words to something based in reality (like referencing where things you claim were posted were, indeed, posted) you might gain a little credibility. Likewise if you fessed up that MD had no right to use the photograph that is the TOPIC OF THIS THREAD. Your love of MD products is not helped by your lack of factual basis for many of your postings. If you were less apt to make things up in posting, people might give you more credit on your opinion of such tweaks.
Also, your rabid defense of these products sure brings thoughts of 'he doth protest too much'...... Spending less time on the forum searching to validate your opinions by swamping the threads of dissenters might help this....
If you're talking about Len_ being a crybaby, that was merely a figure of speech.
If Len_ weren't a MD basher I'd perhaps have more grace for his 'inaccuracies', he's proven himself to be a little twit in this whole matter so I personally don't accept his actions as being anything less than willfull.
It's difficult for me to post a link right now, but follow Len_'s 'WWJD?' thread to see where I state that I don't defend Geoff's action. I think that's the thread anyway. The computer I'm using has low resources and is unable to display two browser windows simultaneously with any reliability.
What defines me as a MD basher? I've tried two of their products and they both failed to do anything. So having voiced in three or four different threads that these products do not work defines me as a basher?
Not that this matters. Geoff used my intellectual property without permission. My personal opinion (or your's) on MD products does not change this fact. Or can you not get past this logical fallacy?
I made one inaccurate statement. I've retracted it quickly upon your correction, and recently posted a follow-up clarification about my error. And yet you continue to carry on and on (or in your words, "whine/cry") about this singular mistake I've already admitted fault and appropriately addressed.
- Lil' Twit
Logical fallacy, not to mention immaterial to this discussion.
Please identify where I have substantially misrepresented any of MD's products.And pretty please, do not try to invalidate my personal opinions. I find it silly having to ask this, but your posting history makes this plea obligatory.
It is important to note: This thread has to do with MD's unethical violation of my intellectual property rights, not MD's products.
Never, ever would anyone here dare to disagree with you; we would just get instructed not to!
Feel free to disagree with my opinion. Just don't try to invalidate them. You have your opinion. I have mine. Neither are facts.
It seems I'm often correcting flawed pattern of reasonings. You and Wellfed are mired in logical fallacy ... so much so that having a rational conversation with either of you is challenging. Perhaps reading up on fallacy will help you two formulate better arguments: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_fallacy
"Just don't try to invalidate [my opinions]." Very well, in the future I shall try never do anything to abate, annul, counteract, counterbalance, discredit, disqualify, impair, negate, neutralize, nullify, offset, overrule, refute, undermine, undo, or weaken your opinions. Heaven forbid one should want to do anything like that! Because your opinions are virtually writ in gold script, no denying that.
clark, with the aid of a thesaurus for "invalidate"
More insturctional stuff:
When defining a word, one employs a dictionary, not a thesaurus. To invalidate means to make invalid (being without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law ).
I'm sorry if being bound by reason and definition hampers your style.
...it was you! You scamp.
Good try, no cigar.
For startersYou obviously haven't any first-hand experience with MD TruTone outlet covers because they are definitely not plastic
You obviously haven't any first-hand experience with MD Promethean platforms, because if you did, you'd note the high quality of the spring sets if you were honest
You obviously haven't any first-hand experience with Brilliant Pebbles because if you did...
Just kidding, it's obvious to me you don't have a thorough enough experience with Brilliant Pebbles to comment insightfully on their performance
Do you think your agenda shows through here? Why you, and others like you, have such an agenda really would require a mental health professional to answer. Or maybe you can just tell us point blank?
I have used both the BLP and the CLC. I have not owned or used the Promethean platforms or the outlet covers. If I am mistaken about the material composition of outlet covers, I apologize (and have edited my post to make a correction).
My agenda for this thread is to let people in this community know about how Geoff conducts himself. I find it peculiar that you have not once commented on Geoff's IP violation - which clearly is the main theme of my thread.
P.S. Your ad hominems and "poisoning the well" tactics are not appreciated.
...you'd have a point. But you didn't, so you don't.
More logical fallacy (and dodging the central issue). I'll retire from this line of discussion.
...but first, don't you want declare yourself the winner? ;-)
I'm sure many folks aren't gonna grasp your brand of humor, Mr. Poth :-P
In any case, posting intellectual property for the public to see does not make said intellectual property public domain.
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