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In Reply to: RE: If Kamala was elected, no question about it. But the adults are taking charge posted by Jazz Inmate on November 17, 2024 at 13:00:16
I think you're wrong about the rest of it--tariffs certainly aren't going to help with inflation--but I think our Ukraine policy is designed for stalemate regardless of the price Ukraine has to pay.
Our foreign policy blob wants to tie Russia down in a long war without the US having to do any of the fighting. Ukraine is our proxy.
There's just so much wrong there.
BTW, one of Trump's foreign policy guys wants to fire all of the front line State Department diplomats. I think I'd be down with that, too.
The blissful counterstroke-a considerable new message.
Edits: 11/17/24Follow Ups:
And then we'll be just as incompetent as North Korea or Russia, whereas now we're a smidge better than those hell holes diplomatically and military.
"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. "
― W.C. Fields
... in some ways. Regardless of sexual or political preferences, some guys stand out above the rest. What they do with their bodies in the privacy of their own homes is no one else's business, unless they make it our business.I'm no "gatekeeper", but I do wish that some would be less "flamboyant" than they are. When we put our personal attributes on parade for all to see, we should expect a certain amount of ridicule in return.
Some things are better off left in the darkness. Not all things should be politicized. But at the same time, no one should feel forced to deliberately hide their personal attributes during the course of a normal day's work - at least not when attempts at modest behavior unduly interferes with survival.
IMO, flamboyancy degrades sexuality, most of the time. Heterosexual or homosexual, we're better off when we keep certain things "compartmentalized".
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Is that the answer you were looking for?Only an idiot puts his "philosophy" onto his skin.
Criminals do.
"Your" Pete should meet this babe... perhaps she would become his 4th wife.
Some good Christian... my ass...
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Call me old fashioned but I agree.
It's all about policies.
...we used to watch Fox when "your Pete" appeared there. And my first reaction was positive - I have high respect to military veterans. But it quickly became available that he had no depth. In essence he was Hannity Lite, just repeating the talking points.
He was OK doing the athletic stuff on their plaza, there was a bit of fun there, but he never developed any depth.
And this is the guy you want to "evaluate" our generals for job fitness???
The best he can do is judge their running and axe throwing skills.
Trump needs loyalty because he's going into a viper pit to clean house.
America has basically lost every war for decades. The military and military-industrial complex needs to be completely disassembled before and turned into an organization designed to WIN.
That "loyalty to the boss" idea is the most idiotic one that I have heard in long time.Great leaders don't need that horseshit ass licker 'loyalty", this is what the insecure scum seeks.
People, nominated to such important position must have only one kind of loyalty - to the Constitution and to the law.
Your character despises both, so he surrounds himself with sycophants, hoping they will shied him from public scrutiny.
Fat chance, buddy... fat chance. Most of these ass kissers will be jettisoned by their "master" the second they say anything he does not approve.
BTW, you never responded to my question on why did this "commander in chief" left his troops to an Iranian attack, and did not do ANYTHING in return?
How would YOU like to be one of those soldiers abandoned by that buffoon?
Edits: 11/18/24
So yes, he does, unfortunately need to go outside the corrupt system to find loyalty.
Biden has been funding Iran and demanding no strong attack on the ayatollahs. He's been the president--fraudulently of course.
And I will be applauding. This is not a fascist country, no matter how hard he is trying to turn it into one.
You have some strange ideas about the interaction between the government and The People.
The real fascists accuse the only democratically elected candidate of fascism.
We all know of other fascists who were elected.
"Combat" is not all about the swinging of maces and swords any longer. If certain women want to fight, I say let them.Smaller, lighter body types are sometimes better suited to the performing of certain types of physical actions. These actions might include climbing, crawling, running or cycling over long distances, or any activity that favors aerobic activity over muscular activity.
Smaller bodies don't require as much air, food, or drink as larger bodies do. Smaller bodies weigh less than larger bodies do. Smaller bodies can remain hidden more easily, etc, etc, etc...
As long as these women are well-suited to the roles they can perform well and they don't hamper or interfere with men who might be better suited to performing certain other types of roles, who should care that they might want to join in on the fun ?
What bugs me sometimes ?
When certain quantities of "feminine women" are allowed to sit back while expecting to reap all of the benefits of our wonderful military/industrial/consumerist complex, without ever having to think much about it. Maybe they should be physically supporting their own keep in the battlefield, instead of sitting back preening their Dolly Parton hairdos and filing their Vampira finger nails all day long ?
Makes you want to give their fat asses a swift kick or two, just to wake them up a little ? Oh wait, I forgot... they should be staying at home having babies in order to make sure they don't turn into uncontrollable "cat women"...
Not to say that there won't be certain times when men and women should not be together in combat. It might all depend on the type of combat at hand.
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Men are stronger, faster, bigger...you shouldn't base policy on exceptions. And for what? Making women canon fodder? That is not very nice of you. I respect, protect and hold the door for women. Not put a gun in their hand and tell them to go fight for me. Call me old fashioned.
But if they want to enlist, why not let them ? They know about the risks and the benefits, just like the men do.
There are lots of things they can do to support the armed services without getting in the way of men trying to do their jobs..
I would love to see him on his knees, plunger in his small hand
Or maybe in his case, hiring the plumbers was the big mistake.
Victor, I respect your opinion on Ukraine, just so you know.
I'm no expert or authority on anything, really. Just tired of endless wars.
The blissful counterstroke-a considerable new message.
Edits: 11/17/24
Adults should meet adults in neutral safe zones.Fighting with swords, knives, clubs, arrows, spears, slingshots, fists, etc.., is the only way to go.
Afterwards maybe, the children can help render first-aid and with the picking up of the dead and the pieces of the dead. But I'd prefer they stayed home playing video games.
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And it cost only an hour or two of printer's time and some $100 in ink for necessary cash handouts in most corrupt country in this part of the world. The rest is just an electronic transfer most of which never leaves US. Of course Russians deserve it. They were too stupid to match Anglo-Saxon way of war. All they know is to charge and loose millions of people. They have no idea how it should be done.
...but the way to end them is NOT by letting the scum have his way with his victims, but stopping him... dead.And I would be making the same statements had he attacked Mongolia.
This is not about my "special love" for Ukraine... which I did not have before February of 2022... it is my hatred of everything he stands for.
Edits: 11/17/24
Of course, you mean Netanyahu - right?
Cry for your terrorist buddies. Put on a hamas outfit and march around like a clown.
. . . knows the truth about Netanyahu's and Israel's apartheid and colonialism, as well as its continuing genocidal policies. Don't believe me? Just ask the International Court of Justice. You can pretend otherwise only because we live in an artificial news environment where our information is scrubbed clean of unpleasant references for tribalist yahoos like yourself.
Too bad too, because you're right on the money with your comments about Ukraine.
Bibi is a hero. The entire world should be kissing his feet for dismantling hezbollah and keeping Iran in check. Biden has had his head up its ass and failed to address the problem. That changes soon. It's long overdue to stop fighting the proxies and fight Tehran. Only then can there be peace.
Edits: 11/19/24
War criminal is more like it.
Israel: a nation of war criminals, LED by war criminals.
The end of that godforsaken country is near, as more and more of its own citizens abandon it.
Others preferred not to see.
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