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Very lovely stuff.
Click the link for a sample of it.
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Yes, that's very nice. I may have to purchase it.
It getting an expensive mail order week.
I have just bought a Logitech Squeezebox and have 3 cases of wine coming too.
There goes my stimulus payment!!!
It's about time. Now you'll be able to enjoy PC audio in your main system? I have been thinking about getting a Squeezebox for quite some time myself, but, I have been so happy with my cheapo M-Audio Transit solution that I just can't pull the trigger. Anyway, you're really going to enjoy your Squeezebox immensely. I've had my PC in my listening room/home theater for many years. I normally have Internet radio playing in the background & every so often I build a playlist (using WinAmp) and go sit on the couch (sweet spot) for critical listening.
Plenty of people who can help you set her up in 'PC Audio'. Enjoy.
I just got back from buying an external drive (1TB) and missed the post so I have to wait till after 4 to pick the Squeezebox up.
I will start by getting it working and then move on to a dedicated DAC I think.
Computer Audio here I come!
This is a path I will prob be taking in the next year. Should be an interesting trip. Thing is, I rarely think critically about my system these days and tend to simply experience the music played back through it. PC Audio, if the quality is generally comparable, does have the benefit of convenience when well set up; this interests me.I still look forward to going the SET and (probably) horns route, more because I think I would enjoy the project than for any other reason.
"As long as we have any intention to be right... we should be wary. So long as words have the slightest ego attachment, they are dishonest."
Charlotte Joko Beck
Edits: 07/08/09
... and it's working! Which is remarkable itself first time.
Straight off it doesn't sound as good as my usual set up, but I may get an external DAC for it.
After an hour it seems to have picked up a bit and I am pretty happy with it.
What I have found is that it doesn't play on the computer at the same time which is areal advantage.
More in a day or two when I have and it has settled in... and I have put a lot of music into the library...
rip them at the highest level you can...The difference is not subtle. The external DAC is a must. You will be stunned when you hear the computer hard drive sounding better than a CD player. This is done by elves using pulleys.
It is such a joy to put the SB on Song Mix and just let it do it's thing. My guests have been stunned by the music mix that plays and plays and plays and all without any jumping up to change the music. For some reason letting go of the thoughts of what to play next and leaving it up to whatever logic algorithm the elves inside it use makes the listening experience way more pleasurable. That alone is reason enough to have a SB. All the other features build upon that.
You may want to audition a Cambridge DacMagic. For 400 bucks you get a damn good DAC with not only 2 digital inputs but a USB input as well. Also 3 filter algorithms are included. Life is sweet....
I put a couple of CDs on the computer yesterday to see if everything was working and used AIFF.
I may use Apple Lossless for the serious transferring to the hard drive, as much for time saving (as I assume it takes less time to use that format) as for the space it all takes up..
Yes, get an external DAC for it. I want to try a DAC with variable out like the Benchmark DAC or the Apogee Mini DAC so I can bypass my preamp. I have read hooking the Benchmark DAC directly into my (active) speakers sounds wonderful. Hey, you got the bucks, maybe you should try something from Wavelength Audio or Empirical Audio . Gordon & Steve are true trailblazers of computer audio, and, they hang out in PC Audio & would be able to help you immensely.
... I have ordered the CD.
The guys in Tokyo are unbelievably friendly.
I have no idea why you think I am in the position of buying gear with so many figures in the price!!!
Please don't revise my world. ;)
Your imagination is best left to do the rest...
Thank you. :)
... the YUI ONODERA & THE BEAUTIFUL SCHIZOPHRENIC disc is in the post...
Hideho in Tokyo is such a nice guy.
The disc was posted within a couple of hours of me ordering it.
What do you think of it so far? Maybe I will order one.
That photo is what Hideho sent me from Tokyo to show me it's been posted... I am hoping it willa rrive in the next day or so.
awwwwsoooooo. Gotcha.
Yes, we had a problem with Bass turds in our pond, but, we added some Carp and that took care of the problem.
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