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Hi guys,
I am looking into building my own PCs, I have several IEC and AC mains connectors (pure copper, gold plated and rhodium ones) from middle tier Furutech, top Viborg and some Oyaide ones. What I don't have at all is the power cable. I was thinking of the Oyaide Black Mamba V2 and/or Furutech SN032. Is there anything else to consider at not too silly prices? I was thinking the likes of the Chinese makes ie Xangsane, Monosaudio etc. How do they compare to the Black Mamba / SN032? My system consists of a new streamer, a Weiss DAC202 feeding an Aavik I280 driving Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers.
Follow Ups:
I just wanted to post an update.
I ordered few sets of the Xangsane P-6008Ag cables and few of the Chinese 40th anniversary Accuphase ones. I now wait for delivery and once I get them I will terminate them with IEC and AC plugs of different materials. We will see how it goes...
Many feel that PCs are the most important cable. One should buy cabling to match the level of their components. The OP has some very nice gear. I think he's going backwards as his gear should get cabling beyond a home brew. Beginning my audio journey I resisted spending money on cables, but eventually realized that with better quality components the cables would become the sonic bottleneck. Maybe try/borrow a returnable high-quality PC to hear the sonic improvements to see what better PCs can do in his system.
A few years ago saw the Audio Bacon PC reviews (see link), then purchased Kimber Kable PowerKord Palladian 10/14. When funds allow, I plan to upgrade these PCs at least to the Audioquest Hurricane level. My audio chain: VPI Avenger/VDH GrailSB/Linn Klimax DSM/2 Organik DAC/Constellation Inspiration Pre+Stereo/Vimburg Mino D.
Hello greg_filip,That's an easy one enough to respond to | yet I'd say it's more important to know the sound of each of your component ( DAC | integrated amp ) in isolation, as someone whom has owned a pair of Vienna Acoustics Haydn Jubilee's of which I became all to aware of their beautifully textures low end impact, yet found the top end to be somewhat rolled off, which was how I also heard said Oyaide Black Mamba V2 power cord, which sounded lovely connected to say a Coda Technologies Unison 3 Ultra Edition Integrated amp I once owned where it complimented it, yet when placed onto a Naim Audio Nait 5Si, it softened the leading edges and became sort of to slow | soft to leave it here for more than 3 tracks.
It was replaced with both the Viborg MBU1606 | MBU1501 models which fit into the type of sound desired in more ways than one | yet even both of these were earlier replaced once a Greg Knight GK-6008Ag ( silver plated copper ) PC was installed and has renamed since as purely used onto two very different integrated amps in different locations within our home | as it offers a better grip on the transient response of notes | offers a much quieter and sense of stillness to the background hidden nuances of which I weren't aware even existed..., this was later discovered once it was placed onto a Naim Audio SN3, at that point I knew it was here to stay | as it has.
Yet ( in my mind | world ) one has to use a different approach when selecting a PC for digital equipment ( Music Server | Streamer | DACs ) as it seems like SET tube amplification they rely upon a more nimble cable or cord which easily can transfers those 1s | 0s much much faster than say some copper based designs can handle, which is where one's options become either pure silver or silver plated copper as said sense of nimbleness can't be restored further downstream once it's lost at the source stage if you'll.
Still the tricky part here is allowing the sound of one's DAC to tell them which us the best one to go with?, if it " needs " a softer | warmer touch?, then copper is the way to go..., in which case the little $42 Accuphase 40th cord in my mind bettered both Viborg | Synergistic Research Black and Blue | Oyaide Black Mamba V2 and Tsunami V2 RR pure copper cords I've owned and eventually sold off in favor of only using it as my chosen pure copper PC | once again in two systems.
Some Class D amp can benefit from a usage of said copper as well, as many know ( or should ) Furutech ( Taiwan ) is renowned for offering a very warm | laid-back | creamier type of presentation much like the sound offered by American companies like Cardas | MIT | Transparent Audio do here | if that's the type of sound one's system requires?.
So the Xangsane | Accuphase have both in my case replaced far more costlier cords | yet in truth I simply am not looking to replace either, solely out of fear I'd in retrospect be losing a type of sound | sense of musicality in which it has taken me well of three decades to have discovered, I dare not chance said lateral or backwards moves in the least | as in my case wisdom kicked in, big time.
And lasting it does come down to the plating types on both end of the cord, which makes or breaks the entire system, especially the one on the source ( Streamer | Server | DAC ) side of things.
Edits: 01/09/24
Thank you for the reply Oscar, I was kinda waiting for your reply. I have followed most of your posts over here for a while now but I hardly post much.
My digital front end is very revealing, the Weiss DAC202 is transparent, accurate, ultra quiet but it could be on the cold side (top of the line ESS DAC ICs from a decade ago). The streamer is still under evaluation, I am trying the Hifi Rose RS150b, the Lumin U2 mini with an external PSU and I would also like to try something from the Innuos range. In between the streamer and the DAC I have a Trinnov DRC which I use to lightly correct the room response. The integrated is a Class D one but Aavik does not sound like any other Class D amplifier, I normally find that the top end of Class D is not right but not with the Aavik, they have managed to control RF interference / noise very well which I think is one of the major challenges with Class D. You are right about the Vienna Acoustics, I love the bottom end and midrange as long as the amplifier has an excellent grip of the bottom end, the top I am not too worried about, I prefer the silk dome to a metal one (although it can sound a little soft sometimes).
Ok, I was not sure how good the Chinese cables were compared to the 'normal' Furutech/Oyaide/Neotech, it sounds like you prefer the Chinese ones. So the two ones that you recommend trying is either the Xangsane silver plated one or the Accuphase 40th anniversary copy (I understand that they sound very different to each other). They are cheap enough to try, can you get bulk cable without the connectors? I would like to experiment with mixing metals, perhaps try a gold plated connector at the AC end and rhodium or pure copper at the IEC end. What do you think?
One more question. Do you prefer shielded power cables or shielded?
Hello greg_filip,
I had no choice but to chime in, as this is one of those areas besides talking tubes | amplification ( especially integrated amps ) I pride myself on actually knowing a little bit about.
Having been active in the borrowing services via the Cable Company for 20 years now | as well as having meant through various overseas audio forums since about the same period of time | I've been fortunate enough to have met several like minded | spirited souls whom were all kind enough to send me tubes | cables in which I've have never had an opportunity to afford on m6 own, yet all of this gave me the chance to adapt my ears | senses | heart ( reaction wise ) to said different flavoring of what was available both ultra | lower expensive wares. So in other words, I'd clearly distinguish said differences within my normal 3-5 tracks, and would ship the cables back within 24 hours, as that's all I've ever needed to know what was what!.
As per your request | while I've heard the Lumin offers, and was trying to buy a HiFi Rose RS150, where the dealer seemingly wasn't able to get one in a timely manner he offered me this one and refunded said difference ( which was sold within 5-8 days, as I'd never get the remote app up and running ):
The one thing I came away from all of this knowing I'd never do again is...-, buy into any of these Music Servers | Streamers that didn't allow me to attach my own music files directly onto ( into ) some form of SSD ( Sata or NVme 2 ) type of internal storage | none one that didn't allow the use of a proper power cord, as opposed to some outboard Linear Power Supply, give me less wiring to go through and I'm that much happier with the end result..., so in this case one's like the Aurender ( relaxed | soft sounding and all | but offers a sense of style that makes one proud of ownership | then some ) or say the everSOLO DMP-A8 ( of which this one will be coming home this yet | which point I'd care less about what advancements are coming down the pipeline within the next 2-48 months ) I'm willing to stay the course.
Power Cord wise, I've owned about 4 different ones within the Synergistic Research range, priced on average between $400-$600 | 2 from Shunyata Research which were extremely well built and very nice looking, yet like a $600:Analysis Plus Oval 2 + 2, did nothing in the least for me, let's just add names like Audience | Acoustic Zen | Harmonic Technologies | JPS Labs | Gotham Audio | Monosaudio | Transparent Audio into the mix, where each of them departed years ago, in favor of said cheap as chips Chinese designs, of which I'm truly grateful to have become aware of their very existence.
Read between the lines on this one, from another of my last listings:
This was essentially a $600 power cord, whereas the connectors themselves cost $290, but as much as I missed its sense of nimbleness | top end extension | snap, said Accuphase bought about a stillness | calmness | upper treble glow and correctness I found very very unique | but as posted several days ago, the ongoing quest for the right balancing act of the AC | IEC plugs is nearing its end.
Case in point, what the $42 Accuphase replaced on an Aurender X100L | followed by my current everSOLO DMP-A6 | while cheaper than said Aurender used in tandem with a Denafrips Pontus ll, both of which were replaced by said much lower cost item, ideally was sort of a rude awakening if I ever suffered through one..., but a much needed learning curve nonetheless.
I've come to believe shielded cords or cables come into play with vinyl playback more so than digital ( which by nature seems to be quieter | less demanding of current drawn from ones AC Receptacles, be the cord is used directly into the wall?, or some form of power strip?, or power conditioner? ) in-shielded cables or cords seem to offer a more open and direct placement of vocalist | instruments within the sound-stage where it appears more solidly grounded | YMMV?, but for me triple shielding doesn't hurt, as it makes it easier to locate the placement of hidden nuances within the imagining department itself, as this one resides within the all important to some, soundstage underpinning its overall structure.
Ones living ( listening ) environment can never be quiet enough | it's when one addresses these noises flowing along their power lines | that the sense of silence | stillness | calmness to the music becomes more obvious.
Lastly, I'd stress don't get caught up in the bulk versus ready assembled thing, as most of what I've read in the last 14 years, many tend to prefer fake Furutech | Monosaudio carbon fiber type shell housing to the real thing as it relates to both Male | Female plugs, but as Tangram and a few others have suggested is simply use the existing shell ( housing ) and change out the blades on both ends accordingly to the sound you want?, but as far as Gold Plating goes, as Mel pointed out having sample, but could afford them, the ETI Research version beats the living crap out of anything on offer from Oyaide | Furutech | Cardas Audio | Neotech ( might be a close second ) | IeGO Dreamworks,,which are the ones I've owned or been following since 2002..., I'd love to place gold plated iIEC on the Accuphase, but logically placing a $350 os so plug onto a $45 power cord, doesn't seem to make sense on my end | much like the pure silver connectors offered by Viborg | Monosaudio ( bought directly from the company ) at $595 | $500 respectively, there are options like the IeGO 8095 Pure Silver - Rhodium Plated at $290 | the CopperColour Pure Silver at $154 per set, should others wish to be adventurous?.
Don't allow yourself to be swayed by fashion or temptation | trust in your abilities to know what sounds | feels right to " you ", no one else matters in making you music appeal to your ears | senses | heart | very core. It's okay to be selfish as it relates to "Mi-Fi " or in said case " Your-Fi ", as you've to pleased yourself first | correct?, lest no one around you will enjoy being in the present of an angry spirit.
Therein lies the truth | put yourself first sometimes.
Thank you for the long reply. Wow! you have lots of experience and I assume great hearing skills to be able to differentiate so easily cables and other changes. It is nice to have friends who also appreciate good music reproduction. I used to have good music friends when I used to live in the UK (almost all my working life) but now I am semiretired in my native Greece, not many people have the skill to appreciate a good music system so I have to rely on my hearing and perhaps one other friend. It is also very difficult to sample and home audition equipment since is totally different to what I am used to in the UK.
As for streaming I hear you, I have been using computer based sources since the turn of the century, mostly DIY efforts, some better than others. I fed up with too many boxes and all the associated external PSUs, converters, extra cables etc you need to have to get anywhere near decent sound. That's is the reason I am looking into a commercial streamer. I like yourself prefer local storage and IMO the streamer must have a sizeable buffer to sound good and not get effected by the quality of the internet connection. I still prefer my CD player to streaming but streaming offer so much more choices and discovery of new and obscure music. I would be interested in your opinion of the EVERSOLO DMP-A8 when you get it, I hear very good things about it, I hope is not the favourite of the month... I do like the Aurender approach but it gets too expensive once you get to their better offerings for something that changes so fast and could be obsolete within 2-3 years. Also a must for me is a very good AES or SPDIF output, I just don't think USB is that suitable for audio.
For amplification I have been using Class D designs for at least 20 years, the early ones were awful with major issues at the top end, I even managed to blow tweeters with some of the old designs. The technology has changed so much and has become much much better. I built my own DIY amplifiers for a while (based on modules) but now I use the Aavik integrated which is significantly better than my efforts as it should be! They have done excellent research work and have come up with innovate and very effective ways to reduce noise and vibrations (both electrical and mechanical).
When it comes to cables... as an engineer I never believed that a cable can make a difference, the same for most of my colleagues but sometime ago I heard a system where the cables were changed and I was in disbelief that they made such a significant difference to the resulting sound. Really it was an eye opener. Since then I am trying to identify what cable is better, the effect it can have and is to my liking but I am very, very green at this 'game'. Therefore I need the guidance and opinion of people who have vastly greater experience and knowledge than me like yourself.
Good evening your time, Greg;
Thanks for the kind words | be assured you're more than welcome. Music for me has always been the guiding force in trying my best to build a system which would enhance my listening experience based upon the old Linn | Naim trenching based upon the often overlooked theory of synergy, and while I've gone to the phase of owning tube ( valve ) separates between 1989-1997, before getting burnt out around late winter '97 and sold off my entire kit, of which I wouldn't come back to rethinking - rebuilding it until 2001 with a newly needed approach and mindset on getting it right.
Various LP-12s had come and gone, until I came to realize one very important thing, for me it had always been the simpler designs of both Rega | Well Tempered Labs turntables which brought me the most joyous moments | hence a return was long overdue. The record collection itself had grown to nearly 19.000 at said period in time | as I had been collecting since 1966, at the age of 8, and never once felt the need to part with them..., even when having to pack them over and over during 4 new home locations | it was all worth it. Until in 2009 I suffered a severe flare up of Gout in my left knee which had swollen to the size of a Coconut at which point it became intolerable to even get up from the side of the bed to make it to the loon, I quite working the day after, as I no longer had the ability to remotely feel my knee as it ever nerve in it had shattered | the pain was beyond my usual high tolerance level for pain, this was in my mind a turning point in reality big-time. But it gave me needed time to enjoy my wife | 3 granddaughters in such a manner nothing else mattered other than seeing them smile | music.
I travelled the path of owning 3 different Mac Mini's earlier on between 2012-2022 before deciding to venture off to a dedicated music server | with two different vintages of the Blue Sound Node, followed in turn by the Aurender ( of which I changed upon from a friend of a friend for a steal ) followed by said everSOLO DMP-A6 which was a revelation in that here was a digital source whivh offered me the top end detailing | weighty midrange | snapping bass lines which I've only heard rendered via a Roksan Xerxes 20 Plus | Tabriz Zi Tonearm | Corus Black and Silver Cartridges, of which I was only able to enjoy for a total of 3 months, before I found it all to difficult to even carry a stack of records over to it, of which I was forced to sell several months later to a buddy that resides over in Nova Scotia Canada, talk about remorse.
Yet as I've come to believe it | while some seem to live their options based upon nostalgia and pursue digital playback devices based upon the signature heard during the early 90s CDPs DAC chip and want a warmer | creamier presentation, I on the other hand have always preferred the more direct | honesty of the so-called German sound as in EMT Turntables | Cartridges, as well as the tables from the likes of Clear Audio, if that makes sense?, I'd rather have something which offers me more insight into the music itself ( warts and all ) as opposed to glossing over its truer nature. I tend to also move against the grain in believing tube amps should sound like tubes of old, and now mimic the sound of solid state, and visa versa when it comes to solid state amplification, give me weight | honesty | heartfelt emotional impact of rawness as tired to a accurate portrayal of said events as uncolored as possible.
I heard you on the very very short lived thread as it relates to investing large amounts of said items ( brands ) like the Aurender | Lumin | Innous | HiFi Rose type of devices, and I'm sorry to say it but the Chinese are all over these types of devices along with affordable DACs which are to my mind, easily surpassing those $3000-$5000 DACs of even two years ago, so I'd rather invest in an area of which I see as one of diminishing returns ( dispensable ) at the $2000 price point, of which if I'm still blessed to be on the topside of the dirt, I'd always replace it without taking to much of a loss, hence the DMP-A8 is in fact where I'm looking to draw the line.
Yet throughout it all, I've to believe in what my ears | senses tell me are true, and I maybe unlike others like Roy Gregory then of HiFi Plus back in an article on building on the system foundation principle, of where he stated it starts at the wall ( AC Receptacle ) | ending at the Source, with a well chosen ( preferably by ear ) cabling loom starting with the power cord(s) as it reads like this..., if one is using a rather expensive system, then why settle upon its stock power cord to supply the proper current needed to drive one's electronics at their absolute best?, hence starting here upwards, for me the most vital cables have become the ones connected at one's source component ( DAC ) as its here that everything passes downstream | so it then makes sense to select any fashion of wiring in one's IC's | USB or Coaxial Cable | PC which allows its truest form to be heard at its best, and not to hinder it ability to breathe.
This location is to me what makes of breaks the systems sense of both fidelity | musicality.
In the end the most vital question one can ask of themselves in all honesty, is does it offer the ability to move one to tears?, or not?, otherwise we're all just going through the motions | forever find ourselves searching for a sense of truth | which in some instances might take decades?, and even then it has to come down to what said individual needs, versus wants..., it's an illusion of the absolute which in itself can cost tens of thousands or even millions to achieve | so I'd say us mere mortals should look within, and select pieces or as a collective system that draws you into the music itself | not the sound of the boxes ( components ) because if you're only focusing your attention on how the components sound differently here and there, then you aren't remotely engaged in your music collection, or are you?.
It's one of the other | there's no in between in this hobby, it has to move you, lest it simply isn't " clicking " sonically speaking that is.
Greg, by all means should the need strike?, just write me directly via clicking onto the ( A ) behind my username, which in turn takes you to a screen which allows direct contact via email.
If the Creator grants me more time?, I'm always a mere click away.
Be well | Stay safe.
O_o scar
Good afternoon Oscar,
Again thank you for the enjoyable reply.
You did take me back few years with the LP12 and the Rega turntables. I think I am slightly younger than you but not much so I remember all the love and lust people had for the Linn. I likewise have been into music since the early seventies and I have a very diverse music taste. I am sorry to hear about the health issue you had, are you better now and have you learned to cope with the pain?
It sounds like we agree on many things, I too believe that the Chinese have advanced so much that they don't have to envy other nations. I remember when their manufacturing was substandard but now it is better than most and of course extremely competitively priced. I believe the hifi industry is for a shock but for a bigger shock is the automotive industry. Unfortunately both the US and the Europeans are in denial mode, the Chinese will take over the lucrative automotive industry in a short time, look at all the new electric vehicles coming out of China and nobody can deny that their technology (especially the battery one) is at least as good if not better than anyone's else. Sorry I diverted.
Back to a music reproduction. Yes, what I ultimately looking in my system is the emotion, I couldn't care less how hi tech it is as long as I can dive into the music. I remember once a dealer demo that it made a lasting impression on me, unfortunately I can't even remember what it was. I heard so much systems / demos that supposedly are the latest and greatest but they leave me totally cold, yes they could have the last word of resolution, be ultra accurate and so many times the emotion is missing.
I have to go, I will bother you again soonish, perhaps with an email to ask you your opinion on some cables before I order.
Take care for now
Good evening once again, Greg;As I see it's 809PM your time | I won't keep you. And let's please remember the go old days of Brit-Fi as some term in here in the USA, where here in the states during the early to mid 80s the little integrated amps like the Creek 4040 | Mission Cyrus One | NAD 3020 | original Nait were actually causing many to pay attention to performance versus cost, and I've experienced times where these little low powered by the overly priced domestic amps putting out say in tap 100-200 watts per channel struggled to control speakers said high current ( larger transformers ) 9-45 watt integrated's could mustard.
Companies like Exposure | Naim | Onix ( when their wares were actually made in the UK ) all seemingly believed in using massive transformers | outboard PSUs to increase their driving capabilities beyond what was expected or known about in certain markets around the globe, as many countries outside of the USA because of smaller homes, yet once which were built to endure bombings during the wars were constructed of either cement or concrete, therefore not allowing bass notes to escape their listening rooms, whereas I've long noticed that in this country it's all about the bass or subwoofer(s) coming into pay as if tight nimble midband of around 45-40Hz isn't enough | yet once again as I see ( have heard ) it real bass comes at a cost, here I'm talking about the $13.000 Magico S1 MK ll or $20.000 Rockport Technologies entry level ( yeah right ) Atria MK ll's, which is why those that can't afford said priced speakers are often the ones I've seen adding 1 or 2 subs into the mix.
Much like tube power amps coming out of the 50s | 60s rated at 38 watts max, while the Americans lusted for more and more power ( a deception at best ) which is why their were fooled into buying into the concept of transistor amplification | while on the other hand the Japanese came to America and left with suitcases full of WE Tubes | all the vintage tube gear they'd ship back home, along with every pair of Altec Lansing or JBL Paragon speakers they could locate?, as they actually took great pride in restoring them, where people here felt their usage had seen their better moments, such is blindness.
Myself having come out of the 70s coming home with a pair of Rogers LS 3/5as and having gone through 4 variations of the ProAc Tablette's | Kan 1s | Kan 2s, was never exposed or felt I was missing anything ( as nimbleness | attack of notes were much much more important to me at the time ) so for me now happily listening to a pair of Neat Acoustics Ministra's has renewed my sense of very very responsive mid-bass around 40Hz, via isobaric loading of two mid-bass drivers is more than enough weight | substance | impact | foundation to capture both my imagination | heart.
Like you, I think that a lot of nations are in denial of what's very very obvious | all one has to do it look at almost everything placed around their homes, and wonder where it's made?, I've seen suits and shoes with Italian names, yet once I looked at their tags, it'd read designed in Italy, made in China or Taiwan, what's that about?, go figure, eh!. And of course the automobile industry is definitely hurting big time, my last car was an Infiniti Q50 | while my wife's was a Hyundai Genesis, both of which handled the road with grace | talk about 100.000 miles warranties to boot, let's just say I've always driven Japanese | German | Korea made cars, and cared less about what Billy Bob thought.
I love knowing what the years have taught me | of which said wisdom can't be taken away. To death do we part. Can I get an Amen.
And I meant to add, while my mobility is limited to,where I'm able to get from our bedroom into the living room to listen for hours atop hours to music.., I only leave our space twice per year for doctors appointments just to keep my prescriptions active | as with all the craziness going on outside our safe | nicely decorated and serene environment, I feel I'm not missing much at all.
And by all means let's talk cables at your earliest convenience?, I'm always down with sharing a good chat on said matters.
Sleep well | let's pray we both awaken to a more peaceful | caring world.
Edits: 01/10/24 01/10/24
A question: is the Accuphase clone power cable flexible enough? I need 1 meter cable (3.28 ft) but if it is rigid maybe I need more lenght...
Edits: 03/27/24
I will let you know when I receive it.
IME, connectors have far more impact on sound than the wire.You may have the cart before the horse here. Maybe I missed it, but don't think you even mentioned what you'll use for connectors.
My 2 cents worth.
Sorry, I guess I did miss it. Upon re-read, you did mention connectors. With several at hand you can experiment with synergies.
I use factory built Mambas on all sources and amps. Neutral, smooth, never sounds like it's reaching.
Edits: 01/09/24
I have several connectors to experiment with (both IEC and Schuko since I am based in Europe), namely Furutech FI-28 and FI-28G. Viborg VE and VF 512 pure copper and gold ones and also some Oyaide P / C-046. Unfortunately it seems that I don't have any Rhodium ones to try. The wall outlets (3 of them) are Furutech FT-SWS NCF(R).
Regarding Furutech FI-28 IEC and FI-E38 (Schuko) Gold versus Rhodium AC-connectors.
I have tried both platings and will agree with (mostly) everyone that Rhodium plating has a cooler sound signature than gold plating, but more importantly (in my system at least) the Rhodium plating changes the perceived soundstage completely.
On LIVE classical orchestral or LIVE rock recordings the gold plated Furutech connectors place you in the 10th to 12th row seats in the hall with the orchestra and soloist at a relatively close distance. The rhodium plated Furutechs place you much further back in the hall - like in the 25th row. So everything is pushed back compared to the gold connectors.
Also the stereo perspective is wider with the rhodium than the gold connectors.
Thank you for a great explanation of the differences between Gold and Rhodium plating. Does the gold plating offer a less accurate but more relaxing sound?
I would say that rhodium has a more finely detailed presentation than gold. Gold connectors are warmer but can sound a bit "messy" especially in the midrange, where Rhodium keep things better under control with the caveat, that everything will sound more "distant" than with gold.
I would say, that "the better" of the two platings would depend on what kind of music you listen to.
I listen primarely to classical and rock music. I don't care for jazz and electronical music. My own preference, being a musician, is that music always should sound natural - not artificial! So I strive to make my system sounding as close to "real life" as possible.
Unfortunately in this context, rhodium connectors have an unnatural cool signature that, compared to a live event, is decidedly unmusical, so I stay away from rhodium connectors. Except in one place! I actually prefer the Furutech NCF SWS Rhodium Wall Sockets to the gold version to provide some space and clarity to the sound stage.
The only rhodium plated connectors I like are Cardas, RCAs,. XLRs and power connectors. All others have that characteristics you mentioned. The Cardas plating have that perfect balance between the warmth of copper with the detail of silver. Most of the other rhodium products have a slight "ringing" attribute to the sound.
I completely agree with your assessment of sonic signatures of gold and rhodium.
I found that palladium did the trick for me, so all connectors in my system now are either copper or palladium.
@ Sondek
I have not tried pure copper AC connectors with no plating, but I guess that they will have a very neutral sound signature.
As for Palladium I have only tried the Oyaide IEC and Schuko 046 connectors. But these have Phosphor Bronze and not pure copper as base material. So again - so many variables.
Brilliant, exactly what I was looking for. I mainly listen to opera, metal and some classical music so it sounds like gold plating will suit me better. In any case I don't like 'cold' sound. All three of my wall sockets are Furutech NCF SWS (R). Thanks again!
@ greg_filipReferring to your original enquiry regarding Oyaide Black Mamba or Furutech FP-S32N cables.
With Opera and Classical as your musical preferences you ought to hear some Furutech cables as they have a really very musical presentation, that suits these music genres.The 12 AWG Alpha OFC Furutech FP-S32N or the 12 AWG Furutech FP-TCS31 Triple-C for preamps, DACs, CD-players and, if you can afford it, the 10 AWG Furutech FP-S55N for integrated amps, power amps and power distribution (wall to distribution box).
If the FP-S55N is out of your price range, the chinese 10 AWG Viborg VP-1606 also mentioned in this thread is a very good alternative. Stay away from the 10 AWG Oyaide Tunami V2 power cable!
IMW: From wall to distribution box it is really essential that you do not use wires thinner than 10 AWG, as most thinner gauges will impact bass dynamics in a negative way.
Hope this helps.
Edits: 01/12/24
Thanks again for the reply.
Ok so the Oyaide cables are out. I will try either the Furutech or some Chinese ones, like the suggested Viborg or some Xangsane. I am itching to try silver plated cables to see what all the fuss is about.
Yes for power distribution and poweramps/ integrated I would not go thinner than 10 AWG.
@ greg_filip
Let me elaborate a bit on the Oyaide 12 AWG Black Mamba and 10AWG Tunami cables.
They are made of the same "102SSC" pure copper wire but the Tunami is more heavily shielded than the Black Mamba.
The result is that they sound completely different. The Black Mamba is transparent with very good sound staging, but - like I said earlier - a bit dry or "naked" sounding compared to the Furutechs we have discussed.
The Tunami is beefier sounding but more midrange messy and it is not nearly as transparent as the Black Mamba. This is odd but could be the result of the heavier shielding.
Silver plated AC cables: Be careful! I generally stay away from them because the silver plating make the cables sound "faster" in the treble. This can sound exciting, but also a bit tiring in the long term.
Just my two cents.
A while back I used bulk Viborg VP1606 5N OFC RISR 6 Square AC Power Cable for a long run. Great, but stiff, cable that had been highly recommended here. But terminating it was a real trial. When I later saw the very same cable available from Amazon, already terminated and at a very reasonable price, I was vey happy to scoop up a few for shorter runs and have been very satisfied. I reported that here too. Amazon currently offers a Viborg power cable, but I haven't looked onto it.
I have not tried the Chinese Xangsane and Monosaudio wires you mention, but I have some experience with the Oyaide Black Mamba and the Furutech. By Furutech SN032 I guess you mean FP-S032N.
In my system Lyngdorf TDAI 2200 amp and ATC SCM19 v.2 speakers the Oyaide Black Mamba and Furutech FP-S032N behaves very differently. Both 12 AWG The Oyaide is a very dry sounding cable, which would be fine with a tube amp and dark sounding speakers. The Furutech on the other hand is slightly warm almost liquid sounding which suits my Lyngdorf Class D and ATC monitors better than the Oyaide. Both cables are transparent and let you see into the recording venue.
Just my two cents.
Thanks for the reply. Yes I did mean the Furutech FP-S032N. Very interesting that you find the Black Mamba dry, I know the Furutech cables are on the warm side but I didn't think there will be such a big difference between them. I always thought the connectors are more important than the actual cable.
Different connectors will also affect the sound of a cable but in another way than the cable wire itself. In my system at least!
While different cables do have their individual sound signature, I find that AC-connectors add their own imprint on the soundstage itself.
In my system Furutech FI-28 and FI-E38 Schuko connectors (I'm in Europe) generally have a wider soundstage than Oyaide 079, 046 and 004 connectors, no matter which cable I use. The Oyaide C-004 on the other hand has the deepest front-to-back stage presentation of all the above.
One IEC connector that beats them all is the ETI Legato gold over copper connector. Soundstage, top to bottom clarity and transparency is outstanding!
Edits: 01/09/24
I agree completely. The Legato Gold IEC is my favorite of the many I've tried. Nearly all of my power cords these days use Audio Note ISIS mains cable with Legato Gold IEC and Furutech FI-11 Copper AC plug. Using a Gold Legato on each end doesn't sound as good, at least in my system. I also prefer the Gold Legato IEC over the Rhodium Legato.
Edits: 01/30/24
Hi Salectric,
I started my power cable / connector journey some 25 years ago, when a friend suggested, that I substituted the generic power cable from wall outlet to distribution box with a 10 AWG Hitachi LC-OFC speaker cable. I'm in Denmark, Europe, where we only need a Plus + Neutral wire for power.
That Hitachi cable had an astonishing impact on the overall sound quality of my system, that went from somewhat greyish and diffuse to much more colorful and transparent. So this experience made me a firm believer in the advantages of quality power cabling.
Since that time I have experimented with cables from Supra, Audio Art, DH Labs, Nanotec, Blue Jeans, Lapp, Oyaide, Acrolink and finally settled for two different Furutech power cables: FP-TCS31 (12 awg) and FP-S55N (10 awg) which have the most natural, transparent and dynamic sound of all the power cables I have tried.
IEC and Schuko Power connectors I have tried include IEGO 8085, Viborg 512, Oyaide 079, 046, 004 and 004 Armored, Furutech FI-28/FI-E38 gold and rhodium before I settled with the ETI Legato gold IEC and Schuko.
Since I have never been a fan of Rhodium plated IEC and Schuko connectors I never wanted to try the stupid expensive Furutech FI-50 NCF connectors. In my system the Rhodium plated Furutech FI-28 and FI-E38 connectors give a highly detailed but very cool sound, that is not natural, so the top FI-50 NCF connectors did not appeal to me.
Instead on a whim I purchased one single ETI Legato IEC gold connector, and installed it on the Furutech FP-S55N cable going from the Furutech wall outlet to my distribution box. That single ETI connector removed a layer of midrange fuzz and gave my system an improved midrange clarity that I was totally unprepared for. And this by changing only one IEC connector!!
So now I have ETI gold IECs on all components and some ETI gold Schukos + Furutech FI-E38 gold Schukos. Never tried the Furutech copper FI-11.
Kind regards,
I had a very similar experience going through a wide variety of connectors before settling on the ETI Gold Legato for IEC and FI-11-Copper for AC. I did try Gold Legatos on both ends but in my system this became too colored.
I can easily see how a different combination would be better in a different system, bat for me this combination works best.I used the FI-50 NCF connectors for a few years before trying the Legatos. The FI-50 connectors sound much better than the lesser priced Furutech models and they have less of a Rhodium signature but the colorations you described are still there, just reduced.
Edits: 02/02/24
My deepest apologies Reindane,
You should've been the one acknowledged for having spoken on the ETI Research Legato Gold Plated Copper IEC Connector.
My bad.
That's quite allright. I forgive you. :)
But the ETI Legato IEC is indeed a very special connector. I have sold all my Furutech and Oyaide IECs and replaced them with these. Expensive? Yes - but not if you compare to Furutech's top NCF AC connectors.
Thanks Reindane,
As if relates to pricing against the most upscaled Furutech NCF types, the ETI do in fact come across as a more affordable option.
I did pick upon the part where you mentioned their Gold plated versions are faster sonically than others, in which I've read same thing over on A'Gon awhile back | where some felt that both IeGO | Neotech ( I'm not feeling the latter's it's calm shelled plastic looking design ) plugs weren't far behind | so it seems they're definitely worth looking into.
Thanks for your willingness to forgive my oversight | Thanks again young fella. :-)
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