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Hi All,
Just felt the need to follow upon my cable | cord venture. As mentioned earlier on upon receiving said brands USB | RCA ( single ended IC's ) | the Grey Knight version of their P-6008Ag cords and seriously coming away very very very impressed with the overall sound quality | musicality of each of these cables, and then sitting here thinking to myself, do I stop here?, or actually be willing to try just one more ( isn't it always one more time in this hobby? ) of their cables, and decided it was time to commit to at the very least a pair of their SCs | as my intent here is to at some point compare them to seemingly everyone's beloved NEARdost Valhalla 2 cloned SCs, which I haven't gotten around to placing them in the system quite yet..., but as I'm willing to trust the ears of you all whom have | reported back as thinking they're fabulous SCs for the money, know that mine aren't going anywhere.
Said cables as reported earlier on as well, have all seriously taken my system sense of air | presence | tonality | textural beauty to another level, of which I hadn't even remotely experienced with the much much costlier cables | cords I've owned or heard in the past, here I'm going back as far as 1989.
There's an added sense of what I often term truer concept of simply being more drawn into each | every recording in a manner that's unique | I've to say primarily it's because of the added complexity or mixture of the cabling ability to step aside and allow the notes themselves to have an extra flow | as well as dimensional type of presentation which to my ears simply sounds more akin to the artist themselves performing directly in front of me.
It merely sounds | feels right as a collective whole, and while it's harder ( even for my long winded ass ) to put everything into its right perspective | musical reproduction done right, should have us all acknowledging the fact that at some point, it's time to sit back | chill. Once said SCs have arrived?, the very least I can do is come back and report my findings.
This one you'll have to cut and paste and email to yourself, but I believe the results more or less cover what I'm trying to get at?:
Until then | Be well | Stay safe.
O_o scar
Follow Ups:
Hi All,
Simply following upon said post | as it seems upon my initial order for these SCs, I ended up only getting a single run, as they didn't have them listed as a pair when I ordered them, yet asked them in advance, if what was listed wasn't for an actual pair not to ship..., yet as you might've figured?, the seller shipped off said single run | which meant I had to order another one, which showed yesterday.
Let's just say while doing a comparison between these and the NearEAST Valhalla 2 SCs, that I knew immediately what others have been talking about in regards to the latter | yet upon inserting the Xangsane SP-6008Ag ( silver plated copper ) with Rhodium Banana Plugs ( yes, fake Furutech types ) earlier on this morning around 6:23AM | giving them somewhat of a workout since, yet after only listening to my usual 2-4 tracks showed that in fact ( to my ears | senses ) there's more to be had from these..., as their overall response is much clearer | quieter with a type of silent between | around each individual note as if suspected in time.
There's a certain roundness | weightier texture to the notes, which themselves linger on with an even better sense of delaying properties in which I've only experienced with a pair of more expensive SCs I've owned in the past, which cost all of $2.750, and in truth, even they were sold off awhile back | at the end of the day I've come to realize more than any other component I tend to google and take the time to read upon isolation footers and devices | cables | cords more than anything else, as I view it, if one is pleased with their electronics?, let them be..., yet if one was to focus their attention on the smallest of details in how to go about voicing each component by ear, until it reaches a certain level where it's more than capable of translating the signal ( music ) in a manner that captures not only one's imagination | but actually draws them more and more into the recordings themselves | you find yourself listening for hours and hours on end, then and only then should you feel a need to sit back | chill and focus on merely adding to your music collection | which is in truth the one common theme which has caused each of us to join said audio related forums, it's it?.
We all share a passion for music reproduction within our own space | as I've seen it for the last 30 years, essentially the components themselves are merely a means of extracting every bite of detail from said recordings as remotely possible | so with that being said, my emphasis has always been on the music collection itself, as stated earlier on, which I've had the honor of visiting people's homes with systems ranging from $50.000-$95.000 or more, I'd f and myself laughing my ass off ( inside at least ) at how these sane people only owned upwards of 25-47 LPs | CDs, which were played to death I can assure you, and remain to see it as my Dad perched to me when I was 8 years old, which obviously stuck with me, he would often say " if a person system cost more than their entire music collection?, then their priorities are to be questioned " of which I wholeheartedly agree on.
All that to say ( with my nature of being extra long-winded ass ) things have over the course cost wise since say 2016 with the globalization of one becoming more open minded to not only change | but growth in exploring cables | cords | DACs | amplification from around the world, I'm talking Chinese designs | chances are we can each get away with thinking domestically created ( so called made in the USA | designed in China ) creations are the only things worthy of one's attention | or money, the reality for me is, as solved several days ago, in having a cheap ass pair Triangle Borea BR 02s, which retailed for $449 when I ended up buying two pairs at different points of the last two years, different finishes is the logic behind doing so, yet as placed atop a pair of speakers stands costing more than both of them combined | the first thing that struck my mind upon listening to a single track was..., I felt like a total idiot having spent $2700 | $6400 on two other brands of mini-monitors, of which to my senses of late, didn't offer the type of tonality or textural beauty as these things do.
Yet being one whom isn't afraid having made mistakes privately | or publicly, it comes full circle, in knowing these same mistakes are meant to be learned from, of late it comes to mind, things have in fact become very very musical at lower cost than many of us would expect, with that being said | behind me, dare I say those that wish to spent upwards of one million or more for their systems, more power to you, as you've earned the bragging rights to do so, yet I'd say one thing..., make certain even more was invested on your music collection | or in my mind as Dad put it long ago " in a sense your priorities should be questioned ".
Be well | Stay safe to you all | which has become my usual signing off quote since the beginning of the pandemic.
Oops | my bad. I meant to write these very very musical SCs set me back $180 | 3.5M per pair.
It goes without saying, but they've become my second favorite pair of cables to date, behind the Kudos Audio KS-1 s, of which I've mentioned on several occasions | which cost $400 | 4M per pair, of which I no longer personally see as wishing to invest more.
And the Curious Cable IC's ( pure silver ) are more than worthy of your attention as well.
I'm done cabling wise, and don't care to read, nor post on any other brand whatsoever. As of this very moment my collection of cables comes to 3 pairs of IC's | 5 pairs of SCs | 4 PCs .
Music files have reached an extremely selective 57.120, being as I've never been the completist type of jazz fan | I've never felt the desire to buy any one given artist entire discography | if one was to do the math..., that's well over $57.000 invested per track, where they average $1.29-$4.00 ( the latter one's purchased on Qobuz ) so once again costing more than my system, which currently is priced around $24.000 between the main one placed into the living room | one setup in our bedroom that is.
Please don't get me wrong | I'm not hating on those with the one million dollars systems in the least | yet as one can't help but notice they've also seem to be exchanging gear from month-month, which I see as someone whom makes mistakes like us normal folks..., yet are willing to trust some snob as dealers recommendations and buy shit without having taken the time to get out and listen to systems, which are ideally put together from a synergistically to whereas said components play well together | as I see it, they are able to make mistakes based upon someone else's point of views on what works well, I'm the type whom would rather visit a shop or someone's home which carries brands I love | then listen and decide what to buy!, if I'm blessed to buy the system collectively?, I'm more often than not willing to tell said salesperson or seller to box the entire system as I've heard it up | follow me to my home and set it up within my chosen space.
Wasting money simply isn't an option, as I've learned long ago to base my purchases on items I've researched to death, or actually have heard. Once again logic has to kick in at some point, eh?.
Good day.
O_o scar
Edits: 07/09/23 07/09/23
Those use the same bulk cable recommended for power cords. I have some and it is a nicely built cable.
Mike B,
That exact logic was the reason for me having felt obligated to buy them, as I've come to absolutely love what I hear with their other cables | cords as to where I no longer feel the desire to look any further cabling wise.
In true..., these cables are " Mi-Sound " and as fact as I'm concerned, it ends here.
I recently got in the Xangsane cables to experiment with, having had a good experience with the 1 meter XS-9003AG RCAs.
XS-950s on the transport and dac.The Grey Knight on pre and Accuphase 40th on subwoofers and amps.
All interconnects were the XS-9003Ags.Valhalla 2 for SC.Only other SC in-house is the Fidelium.
While I am still impressed with NordEast ODIN 2,this gives a very accurate and moving musical presentation.I still feel the Odin gives a little further view into low-level information, the Xang gives a slightly better representation of "live" performers.
Harmonics are well presented and it seems built on a solid foundation.No silver leanness or glare and the lower octaves are well developed.
Break-in is still occurring:slight sharpness-comes/goes and possibly a little chubby through the mid-bass.Seems to be disappearing as time passes.
Have a couple Accuphase 40th with 20A IECs coming so I can listen to their effects on the Puritan 156..
Hi Elixir63,
Thanks for taking the time to follow upon said cables | as I once again love them. I'm curious as to know which plating types are you using on said cords?, as I recall you've used Viborg copper in several places | Furutech FI-50 NCF Rhodium plugs elsewhere.
As I know that Tangram uses Copper Colour Pure Silver connectors on his cords, yet having noticed several pairs of my SCs where I placed silver plated copper Viborg banana plugs in a year or so ago, have all oxidized, of which I'm in the process of replacing all of them with rhodium plated copper versions, and have yet to change out anything on the Accuphase 40th Anniversary cord, which solely resides on my Aurender X100L music server, as the Grey Knight P-6008Ag power cord remains my bread | butter cord as used upon any of the integrated amps which have been rotated into the main system out front.
I'm also wondering exactly which NordEast Odin 2 cable or cord, or you referring to as offering better low-level information?, or you talking IC's?, or solely as a PC?, as I never got around to placing either into the system more than 2-3 tracks at best, so might've missed something there...
Dead link, Icloud says pict not available
As I've noted, it seems it has to be cut and pasted, and sent via a email to oneself.
El34, The Xangsane cables have the original jacks/connectors.Really like their RCAs-snug fit.
The only power cords re-fitted were the ODIN 2s for the two Puritan 156s and a KRELL TAS.
Used a genuine Furutech:main 2CH ,Japan Furutech.(copy)HT and ViBorg red copper on the TAS amp.
As far as the low-level aspect,I would lay most at the feet of the IC.The PCs add to the effect.
I sourced mine from friend/designer that I met while working with Lloyd Walker/Audio.
When we all attended the 98 Show in Vegas,Lloyd brought a loom of Omega Micro and "he" a loom of Nordost.
From what I understand, it is authentic ODIN wire, but fitted with common connectors.No access to the "signature" jacks w/o drastic pricing.
I just received my (3) Accuphase 40th 20A IEC from Qincrown.Purchased all my 40s from them and they weren't opposed to making a matching "gold" receptacle for the 20A IECs-they are pretty.
Did you prefer the Grey knight to the Xangsane version (not counting color) ?
The 40th/Xansane combo is spectacular and I am torn between the two.These are currently in a "lab" style set-up, which I use to get a handle on products.
Eventually,the two systems will swap cables and run the di-pole subs under the Elipsa SE (pr of:KC62/KF92).
These "run"front/back as opposed to sideways ,make a sensational subwoofer system.
Hi Elixir63,
I seemed to have missed your response on said plating of the connectors, so would like to thank you for making the time to respond. Like you I've found the rca connectors on the 9003Ag to be amongst the most beautifully built versions I've ever laid eyes on | the Grey Knight GK-8009Ag power cord was primarily purchased because I felt their listed cord for the Xangsane version wasn't to my likings, and felt the loosely woven black tech-flex better suited my decor..., yet upon receiving the Xangsane SCs, I was surprised that the darkish green color is done very tastefully, so my biases here weren't correct.
All told, once again my cabling journey has ended, as I'm so pleased with the result of having invested in these cheap ass cables, I just can't justify losing what each has bought to the table musically speaking | so I dare not change a single one out, due to fear of losing what I currently hear as a very cohesive | balanced approach to music reproduction done right.
Thanks again.
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