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Can tube sockets be too tight?

My Conrad Johnson PV12 is in for service because of a static noise. The tech called and said he's pretty sure it's a loose cap because just touching it causes arcing. He thinks it's going to take 2 hours to tear it down to get access to the board (and then another 2 hours to put it back together). While he's got it apart, he will also fix anything else that looks suspect. Total estimate is $200.

He said the tube sockets are extremely tight and since there's no strain relief built in, it's impossible to avoid flexing the joint any time a tube is inserted or removed. He thinks that's probably what caused the failure since the cap is next to a tube socket.

My question is, should I have him change out the tube sockets? I haven't asked him yet how much extra it will cost, but I'm concerned that this could happen again because of the way the sockets are installed. I don't want to pay 4 hours of labor every time the thing needs to be dismantled.

Any other solutions would also be welcome.

ps The tube sockets on my CJ MV52 are also extremely tight and I can't get the tubes out without rocking them.

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Topic - Can tube sockets be too tight? - desert dweller 09:35:10 08/16/06 (18)

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