Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

You know what I would do...

Well. Obviously you don't so I will tell you. I would get someone unaware of your "mistake" who has heard your system before and is familiar with it, and bring them over and play them some of their favorite music. Don't tell them why. If that person says: "Hey, what's wrong with your system?" Then you know you have a problem. If after a while they make no comment then you are OK. After a few songs you may casually inquire as to whether or not the person notices a difference, if they don't then you should be OK. What you need is a fresh perspective from someone who is not heavily invested in your speakers emotionally and financially...

good luck
"Cold Turkey isn't as delicious as it sounds..." --Homer Simpson

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  • You know what I would do... - realistico 07:10:09 12/06/06 (0)

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