Home Speaker Asylum

General speaker questions for audio and home theater.

LF does help with imaging, and it isn't just because it adds the fundamentals of some notes it also helps

get attacks and decays, of each note, reproduced correctly - particularly the reverberation of the space - in acoustic recordings - caused by these two crucial events right down into the fundamentals contained in attacks and decays.

Once you have the subs LP filtering sounding right / in-step, you may find that absolute polarity begins to matter to you, on acoustic recordings at least. I'd use both wrable and discrete tones for the testing/matching period and music to confirm.

You may well also find that some recordings still need a bit more sub-bass and others less.

Are your Klipsches ported spkrs? If yes, do try them with the ports stuffed, just a bit or fully stuffed.

The latter may require a slightly higher freq for the Low Pass to the sub - to avoid a dip - so go carefully, and be willing to shift the sub slightly as well. But it 'should' also clean up the area around and above where the sub starts - by reducing cone wobble/port chuffing - particularly BELOW the stop-band of the Klipsch' port/box.

You may find, after rematching that - on music - system sounds like it has a little less mid-bass ( around the xover point) - than with the subs before.

But, if your ears had already told you the frequencies are there - during the rematching task - the correct and happy conclusion is that you have lost some distortion from the cones being out of their linear range as they try to do any ELF* stuff in the FR signal they are fed. * music or spuriae!



Timbo in Oz
The Skyptical Mensurer and Audio Scrounger

'Still not saluting.'

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